Game Details
Player 1
#player1 olaugh olaugh
#player2 cesar cesar
>olaugh: ABF 8G FAB +16 16
>cesar: EIMOTVY 9D MOIETY +35 35
>olaugh: CDEIT 8A CITED +35 51
>cesar: ?LRRUUV -LRUUV +0 35
>olaugh: II -II +0 51
>cesar: ?ENNOPR B3 PREuN.ON +61 96
#note i played literally the worst bingo; missed CoRNPONE for 92 pts. knew the word though :/ (-32)
>olaugh: AADEINR 7I ARANEID +69 120
>cesar: ADEEFMR L6 E.FRAMED +86 182
>olaugh: Q N6 Q. +31 151
>cesar: EEGIITW O5 WI.GET +44 226
>olaugh: ALNOT K10 TONAL +25 176
>cesar: EHILLRV 5A H.LVE +22 248
#note N10 ERVIL. i didn't like HELVE very much when i played it but didn't really think of HILLER or ERVIL on the right side... (-3.5)
>olaugh: EOVW M12 WOVE +34 210
>cesar: EIKLRRX 15L K.IR +39 287
>olaugh: CIOTT 3B .TOTIC +26 236
>cesar: BDEILRX 2D LEX +55 342
#note guess i missed IBEX and didn't want to dump the i for ILEX. (-5)
>olaugh: OU J5 OU. +5 241
>cesar: BDINPRU 10D URD +24 366
#note i had UPBIND spelled out on my rack but couldn't pull the trigger on it, i need to study words so badly. i guess i was trying to take out row 11 with 4 Ss unseen. (-27)
>olaugh: AGINRSZ F2 ..S +10 251
>cesar: BEGINPS K2 PIGS +18 384
#note eek, too defensive, especially when he can still hit a huge CH- play; i should keep trying to play the equity game with N9 BIG to keep good tiles and protect against miracles. (-8.5) I didn't play GIP because i wanted to also block the big lane at the top.
>olaugh: AIJL 1E JAIL +54 305
>cesar: ABENNRU A10 URBANE +35 419
>olaugh: EOOZ 12A .OOZE +32 337
>cesar: AANSSUY F12 SAY +31 450
#note says. -6
>olaugh: ?GHI 15F sIGH +27 364
#note sigh
>olaugh: (ANSU) +8 372
Player 2
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