Game Details
Player 1
#player1 cesar cesar
#player2 rachel rachel
>cesar: AFNTVXZ 8G ZAX +38 38
>rachel: GO I6 GO. +12 12
>cesar: FFGKNTV H7 G.FF +14 52
#note nope. stop playing thru stuff! this is an exchange rack. looks like i need to bring the old rule of thumb back someone taught me a long time ago; if it scores less than half as much as your average play and your leave is still bad, exchange. (-9)
>rachel: DENOV 11E DOVEN +30 42
#note not to mention it's not a good play defensively. the board is pretty ugly after ZAX/GOX and I'm ahead. there's no reason to do gaff.
>cesar: ADKMNTV 10D DAM +25 77
#note dank 12H or VODKA F10. i always miss vodka. (-10)
>rachel: OSW 12D SOW +24 66
>cesar: KNOTTVW J4 KNOT +19 96
#note how i wish, how i wish i'd exchanged. we're just too many consonants swimming in my rack, turn after turn. 13F NOWT is slightly better because of defense partly. (-1)
>rachel: AEINRST D3 STRAINE. +70 136
#note meanwhile she was grooming her rack and i still have VW and now i'm down. i bet GAFF sims even awfuller with 6+ ply.
>cesar: EEEHTVW C6 THEW +40 136
>rachel: EORTU 12H ROUTE +28 164
>cesar: EEEGILV E5 EVE +28 164
#note i didn't spot VEGIE at K1 or B2 unfortunately, which have got to be better than my play. i'd prefer B2 though. (-3)
>rachel: AQ K10 QA. +24 188
>cesar: EEGILOY 4H YO.EL +32 196
#note although YOGI B8 is interesting, it seems pretty unnecessary right now.
>rachel: CDHI L8 CHID. +28 216
>cesar: EGIIJNR 3K REJIG +30 226
>rachel: DLL N2 D.LL +10 226
>cesar: AIMNNPR H1 PIN. +27 253
#note my plays are better when i don't have clunky tiles. which means i have to both avoid having clunky tiles and practice finding plays with clunky tiles.
>rachel: ?AIILST 1A AnTISLI. +80 306
#note eek
>cesar: ?ACMNRR 8L .RAM +24 277
>rachel: ABII O6 IA.BI +9 315
>cesar: ?CINORY O1 YO.I +33 310
#note except here, where i completely missed ACRImONY. i think i would have found it with an M on my rack, but i was actually pretty low on time already and YOGI scores quite a bit. quackle only thinks i lose 12.5 equity points which is interesting; i only really have two lanes though that can be both blocked with something like 8B BEN/something.
>rachel: BEEPS N10 BEEPS +40 355
>cesar: ?CNNRTU 14G NoCTURN. +61 371
#note this wins 100% of the time, luckily for me.
>rachel: AAEEOUU M6 EU.O +12 367
>cesar: R 6I ..R +4 375
#note i didn't play this well, especially at the beginning, and i had an inkling of that when i posted something on FB about needing to play better in the afternoon. someone asked what's wrong with 2-1? but that wasn't the point.
>cesar: (AAEU) +8 383
Player 2
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