Player 1 |
#player1 Siri_T Siri T
#player2 E_Tran E Tran
>Siri_T: AIINOST -I +0 0
#note OI is simming ahead. It does have decent defensive aspects. Sim also prefers exch OI to exch I. Interesting stuff.
>E_Tran: DEGLOV 8H GLOVED +24 24
#note bizarre placement by Siri
>Siri_T: AAINOST I7 A.ATIONS +61 61
>E_Tran: ADUY H12 YAUD +49 73
>Siri_T: BFINOTX J7 B.X +25 86
#note a risky option is 7L FIX. INFIX, TOXIN, also better. This sets up a situation for a big Y play = more variance = more luck = bad for me
>E_Tran: ELOV K6 LO.E +22 95
>Siri_T: FIIINOT L3 INFO +16 102
#note FINITO!
>E_Tran: WZ 3K W.Z +30 125
>Siri_T: EIIIPTV -IIIPTV +0 102
#note sims top exchanges: keep nothing, keep E, keep EPT, keep T. The E looked valuable to hit a line 15 bingo, so I kept that.
>E_Tran: OOR 10F ROO. +6 131
>Siri_T: ?BDEMRU 15A DRUMBlE. +98 200
#note Yup. E came in handy
>E_Tran: KL L8 .LK +18 149
>Siri_T: AGIISTY 10F ....Y +40 240
>E_Tran: ADINORS 9A SADIRON +66 215
>Siri_T: AFGIIST 8A IF +26 266
#note FIGS is doing better. The board is already closed, so I strongly like IF here.
>E_Tran: APW 11E PAW +25 240
>Siri_T: AEGIRST 4L .AG +15 281
#note this, (F)IG and (K)I are ahead of the pack. This is obviously pretty risky. I could play it safe and try to grind out a close win. But I thought the risk was worth it here. PAW suggests he had a below average rack last turn. If I bingo at O, it seals the deal; if he takes the spot with a bingo or for pts, I can still come back.
>E_Tran: EPT 10L .EPT +16 256
>Siri_T: EILRSTT O8 TI.TLE +21 302
#note STERILANT. yow. I was looking, and missed it. Weird position here. Do I fish again? If I do, there are no bingo lines. So instead, I opt to kill my rack and score what I can.
>E_Tran: EIJTT E4 JITTE. +26 282
>Siri_T: CEEIQRS B8 ..QIR +37 339
>E_Tran: AHI 4C HA.I +28 310
>Siri_T: CEENNRS O1 CENSE +30 369
#note Wasn't 100% on CENSER. Not worth the risk. The bag is vowel heavy, so keeping RN is less bad. So many of quack's choices are fishes; then you hit sim, and the scoring plays jump to the top. Lawl.
>E_Tran: GOUV 13K VOGU. +18 328
>Siri_T: AENNRRU N2 RE. +29 398
#note REGNA is interesting (but obviously wrong). I think it comes down to RE(G) or NE(G) and which leave I'm more likely to go out in 2 with. Sim likes NEG by 1%
>E_Tran: ?CEEHIM 6A HEME.ICs +68 396
>E_Tran: ?CEEHIM -- -68 328
>Siri_T: AAENNRU 3B RAN +18 416
#note My plan: this sets up USNEA in a couple of good places.
>E_Tran: ?CEEHIM 12A C.EME +28 356
>Siri_T: AENSU G3 USNEA +22 438
>Siri_T: (HI?) +10 448