Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Steve_Grob Steve Grob
#player2 Jeff_Fiszbein Jeff Fiszbein
>Steve_Grob: AFIPRUW 8G PFUI +18 18
>Jeff_Fiszbein: AENSSUY G6 YU. +9 9
>Steve_Grob: AACRUVW 6D WAV. +21 39
#note A short sim gives F2 VACUA a slight preference.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: AEENNSS D4 NA. +12 21
#note One of the rare times when knowing SENNA (9G) would be helpful.
>Steve_Grob: AACRUWZ E4 AW. +24 63
#note This or E5 W(A)UR.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: EEENNSS 9G SEN +23 44
#note Best
>Steve_Grob: ACNRSUZ C2 CZAR +39 102
>Jeff_Fiszbein: EEEKNOS 7J KENO +15 59
#note Championship Player sets up the K with OE at 7J.
>Steve_Grob: AFJNSUX 8M FAX +44 146
>Jeff_Fiszbein: EEEELOS -EEE +0 59
>Steve_Grob: EJLNOSU K3 JOUL. +24 170
>Jeff_Fiszbein: AEELNOS L2 EON +19 78
>Steve_Grob: BEINNSY 1J BENNYS +41 211
>Steve_Grob: BEINNSY -- -41 170
#note Big mistake. Thought it was good. Best is M3 BEY.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: AEELOQS 1L ALOE +20 98
>Steve_Grob: BEINNSY M3 YEN +41 211
>Jeff_Fiszbein: DEMPQSU N8 .MP +13 111
#note N4 SUQ
>Steve_Grob: BGILNRS 11J GIRLS +20 231
#note Trying to keep the board tight. C Player likes S(A)MPLING for 35.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: DEEEQSV J11 .EED +10 121
>Steve_Grob: BBDEHMN 13J .BBED +20 251
>Jeff_Fiszbein: ELQRSUV N4 SUQ +38 159
>Steve_Grob: GHIMNTT 2N HM +28 279
>Jeff_Fiszbein: EGILRTV 2A VI.E +18 177
>Steve_Grob: EGINSTT A2 .ETTING +36 315
>Jeff_Fiszbein: ?GILRRT 8A .RIG +8 185
>Steve_Grob: EIOORST E8 SOOTIER +71 386
>Jeff_Fiszbein: ?AADLRT L10 D.A. +14 199
#note Missed bingo: D(I)ASTRAL.
>Steve_Grob: ACDIORT 1D ACRID +30 416
#note DICOT is best here.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: ??AILRT B8 .eTAILeR +66 265
#note Puzzler: one of the many available bingos scores an additional two points.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: (EHIOOTT) +20 285
Player 2
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