Player 1 |
#player1 Matt_DeWaelsche Matt DeWaelsche
#player2 elevenkids elevenkids
>Matt_DeWaelsche: DEILOT H7 TOILED +18 18
>elevenkids: EFFINPU 12C PUFFE. +30 30
#note Championship Player slightly prefers FIFE I9. A two-ply sim (omitting choices that score less than 29) shows FIFE is a little bit better. PUFFED leads to more bingos for both sides (26-28%) and FIFE is more defensive (13% for both sides). TOILED shows Matt is going for turnover probably. I wonder what the 7th tile was - thinking maybe E.
>Matt_DeWaelsche: ABEM 13B BEMA +33 51
>elevenkids: DEINRVZ 14A VID +28 58
#note I chose VID because I guess I missed VIZIR, and it looks like ZIN opens up easy plays like AD, or big plays on the triple lane. My instinct is to play VIZ(I)R but probably the open I works so well with DENV leave that it makes more sense to leave it open. Plays like AXILE and EQUIP that take advantage of the monster square 8L are pretty rare but it's something to consider. However Quackle is telling me ZIN is best (37 points right away, DERV leave) and V(I)ZIR is 2nd, VIZ(I)R is third, and my choice VID is 4th. Z(I)N is next. But if I want to be great, I will have to figure out that ZIN 14A is best.
>Matt_DeWaelsche: AERX 10F RE.AX +30 81
>elevenkids: EENRRRZ 8C REZER. +16 74
#note REZER(O) is what I picked. It evaluates 10 points less than NER(T)Z, keeping ERR, which isn't too hard to find! Think harder, Kevin! Learn to have good thoughts about duplicate 1pointers ...
>Matt_DeWaelsche: ANY 9F AY.N +28 109
>elevenkids: ABCNPRT D4 BRAC. +18 92
#note On this turn I slowed down and *tried* to think. My choice turned out bad. A 2-ply sim most prefers NAB 11B in case Matt D has a big play with (PED)S. A 4-ply sim agrees. (it turns out he would have had sTAGGIE, assuming he knew the word - Scottish for a colt). BRACT with (FA)B is also mysteriously popular with the Q sim. I'm surprised by NAB because 4 consonants kept seems to risk a severe vowel shortage too often.
>Matt_DeWaelsche: ?AEGGIT 5D .AGGIEsT +90 199
#note Oh, wow, Quackle says it's phony, even.
>elevenkids: EMPT H1 TEMP. +36 128
#note I played TEMPI rapidly just to be rapid and get 36 points. It seemed pretty clear there wasn't a bingo - I guess I had the J maybe.
>Matt_DeWaelsche: CDO 11B DOC +20 219
>elevenkids: AAJLNNT 10F .....ANT +15 143
#note I'm thinking I might draw an S sometime soon, I hope. It's a bad rack for the board, no plays score well. This keeps some board openings so I can have some scoring hope. All aspects of my game could use work including my attempts to shape the board. Championship Player chooses (RELAX)ANT over J(E)AN 2G. My win% is down to 5%.
>Matt_DeWaelsche: GLUY L8 LU.GY +20 239
#note Talked myself out of challenging it. It's a ridic word, I strongly felt I should challenge it.
>elevenkids: AEHIJLN 6B JE.N +29 172
#note There are obviously better plays like HAJ 6J or JAIL 13J. This was a little bit desperate
>Matt_DeWaelsche: INORSTU 2B ROUTIN.S +70 309
>elevenkids: AHILLNO 8J HI.LOA +27 199
>Matt_DeWaelsche: AHO 6J HAO +29 338
>elevenkids: EIORUVW 1A VOW +34 233
>Matt_DeWaelsche: DIW O7 W.DI +8 346
>elevenkids: EIKLNRU 3A LEK +37 270
>Matt_DeWaelsche: Q F1 Q. +11 357
>elevenkids: EINORSU 3H .ONSIEUR +75 345
>Matt_DeWaelsche: ?AEISST 14E TISAnES +66 423
>Matt_DeWaelsche: (INO) +6 429