Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Evans_Clinchy Evans Clinchy
#player2 Winter Winter
>Evans_Clinchy: EIJNN 8D JINNE +40 40
>Winter: ?EILOOZ 9C ZOO +33 33
>Evans_Clinchy: ABEIR C9 .ERIBA +34 74
>Winter: ?DEGILR 14A DI.LoGER +76 109
>Evans_Clinchy: BEK H12 KE.B +45 119
>Winter: FIILMOY A12 FI.O +36 145
#note Quackle likes FI(D)O, but playing that almost cost me the game.
>Evans_Clinchy: DHPT 13G D.PTH +21 140
>Winter: FILLMOY D12 FI.M +38 183
>Evans_Clinchy: MW 10B M.W +27 167
#note If I had played MOL(D)Y, Evans' play would not have created a hook.
>Winter: AELLOPY 12K AYELP +31 214
>Evans_Clinchy: ADHN 11J HAND +36 203
>Winter: ?ALOOTY O12 .LOY +27 241
>Evans_Clinchy: AGINNV F6 VA.NING +34 237
>Winter: ?AEOQRT 7H EQuATOR +78 319
>Evans_Clinchy: ERSTW O4 WREST +52 289
>Winter: CEIORRV 4L VRO. +20 339
#note Without that MEW sitting out there, this play would have left just that EE hook for me to take care of.
>Evans_Clinchy: ACT M2 CA.T +12 301
>Winter: CEEIIRU 2J CER.I +30 369
>Evans_Clinchy: OSSTU 1K OUSTS +32 333
#note Now I cannot survive a bingo.
>Winter: EILOUUU 10H ULU +12 381
>Evans_Clinchy: X J6 X. +24 357
>Winter: AAEEIOU 8K EAU +11 392
>Evans_Clinchy: DES N11 S.ED +27 384
>Winter: AAEIIO 10L OI +12 404
>Evans_Clinchy: EGNT 13M E.. +16 400
>Winter: AAEI 11E A.I +6 410
>Evans_Clinchy: GNT 13C ..G +8 408
>Winter: AE 6E A.E +6 416
>Winter: (NT) +4 420
Player 2
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