Player 1 |
#player1 Dylan_Early Dylan Early
#player2 Harry Harry
>Dylan_Early: ?AEIIOT -IIO +0 0
#note There were 7 better plays, all counter-intuitive to me. In order: OI, IO, exch IO, IO, OI, exch AIO (keeping EIT?), exch EIO (keeping AIT?).
>Harry: OVX 8G VOX +26 26
>Dylan_Early: ?AAEOQT G7 O.A +8 8
#note Best was to throw back AOQ but I didn't want a second zero.
>Harry: FGIT F4 GIFT +18 44
>Dylan_Early: ?AELQTT E3 QAT +31 39
>Harry: HU 9I UH +16 60
>Dylan_Early: ?EELSTT 10B TrESTLE +67 106
>Harry: ADIOU 11H AUDIO +14 74
>Dylan_Early: GHINOST 12C HOSTING +81 187
#note Missed TOSHING @12i in my haste.
>Harry: EIVW 12L WIVE +32 106
>Dylan_Early: DILOORS O8 ROIL.D +21 208
>Harry: AGPU B12 GAUP +27 133
>Dylan_Early: AEMORSS 15A S.AM +33 241
#note Missed two lovely 9s through AG and TI.
>Harry: AEIILNR N2 AIRLINE +70 203
>Dylan_Early: BCEKORS N10 BE.OR +47 288
>Harry: EJT O1 JET +34 237
>Dylan_Early: CCFKMRS -CCFKM +0 288
>Harry: EOY 4L YO.E +28 265
>Dylan_Early: EEEENRS 5K EE +9 297
>Harry: INOP J2 PION +15 280
>Dylan_Early: EEMNRRS 15A ....MERS +42 339
>Harry: CIY 6H ICY +34 314
>Dylan_Early: AEFNNNR 13A F.AN +26 365
>Harry: AACDDKU I1 AUK +27 341
#note AUK was Harry's winning move, setting up 2 Z-spots. He did not have the Z! From his point of view, there was a 64% chance I had the Z. He also needed the blank to win and those odds were even slimmer. He picked both the Z and blank from the bag. I love the fact that he never gives up. He is always giving himself a chance, no matter how small and this time it paid off handsomely.
>Dylan_Early: CDDENNR L9 CR..NED +15 380
#note I found and played the best move giving me a 66% of winning the game.
>Harry: ?ABELRZ H1 Zo +67 408
>Dylan_Early: DNW 3M W.. +22 402
>Harry: ABELR 14F BEAR +26 434
>Dylan_Early: DN H5 D.N. +8 410
>Dylan_Early: (L) +2 412