Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
#player2 Naween_Fernando Naween Fernando
>Peter_Kougi: AABKNPR 8H BRANK +32 32
>Naween_Fernando: ?DEIITU K4 mUTI.IED +82 82
>Peter_Kougi: ANPRRYZ J10 PARRY +37 69
>Naween_Fernando: CNOOTT L10 COTTON +29 111
>Peter_Kougi: ?BEINWZ 9B WeBZINE +75 144
>Naween_Fernando: ELPU E7 PU.EL +32 143
>Peter_Kougi: AEEIOSS I6 EA.S +28 172
>Naween_Fernando: TX F8 T.X +53 196
>Peter_Kougi: EIIINOS 12A IONISE +31 203
>Naween_Fernando: EELM L3 LEME +20 216
>Peter_Kougi: ADHIIOR H1 HAIRDO +35 238
>Naween_Fernando: EEW M13 EWE +23 239
>Peter_Kougi: IRSTTUY C11 U.ITY +16 254
>Naween_Fernando: ACEGL N10 GLACE +41 280
>Peter_Kougi: EFNORST 1E FOR.ENTS +65 319
>Naween_Fernando: DIMOU G3 DUOMI +26 306
>Peter_Kougi: AAGLOQR 14A QA. +24 343
>Naween_Fernando: AH 2E AH +31 337
>Peter_Kougi: AFGLOOR C2 FLOORAG. +74 417
#note Sims best
>Naween_Fernando: ADEGINS B5 GED +17 354
#note There are wins that involve blocking the V spots. Naween incorrectly blocked the J spots, but it was tough to work out under time pressure.
>Peter_Kougi: JVV 3G ..V +11 428
>Naween_Fernando: AINS 3G ...A +8 362
>Peter_Kougi: JV 5J V.. +8 436
>Naween_Fernando: INS A14 .I +33 395
>Peter_Kougi: J - +0 436
>Naween_Fernando: NS 8H .....S +12 407
>Peter_Kougi: J - +0 436
>Naween_Fernando: N H8 ..N +5 412
>Naween_Fernando: (J) +16 428
Player 2
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