Player 1 |
#player1 Tasha Tasha
#player2 Scott_Garner Scott Garner
>Tasha: EEEQSSU 8G SUQ +24 24
#note I thought of SQUEE*, but I thankfully chickened out on it.
>Scott_Garner: ELOO G5 LOO.E +7 7
>Tasha: EEEINPS 5E EE. +6 30
>Scott_Garner: ACGNOOT D3 OCTAGON +76 83
>Tasha: EINNPST J2 TINPENS +76 106
>Tasha: EINNPST -- -76 30
#note FAIL. This was an accident. As soon as I hit my clock, I realized my mistake. How embarassing.
>Scott_Garner: IJV F2 JIV. +30 113
>Tasha: EINNPST J2 TENPINS +76 106
>Scott_Garner: AEELMTU C9 EMULATE +73 186
>Tasha: AADKOSY 6F Y.K +44 150
#note I took about four minutes this turn. I was looking for something through the E, but there's nothing. I considered playing KAY, but passed it up. My board vision sucks so I was completely blind to the big hook at 5H.
>Scott_Garner: ABU 15B B.AU +7 193
#note Scott took about as long as I did last turn. I figure he's either about to triple-triple or his rack sucks.
>Tasha: AADGHOS D11 HAG +26 176
#note Okay, that's it. I'm working on my board vision. I made the right play, but it took way too long for me to see it. I should be making plays like this in 3 seconds.
>Scott_Garner: AG B13 GA. +21 214
>Tasha: ?ADNORS F9 ORDAiNS +70 246
>Scott_Garner: EORR 10E E.ROR +11 225
>Tasha: BDFILNO B9 BOD +26 272
#note After I stopped looking for a place to play BLINDFOLD, I decided to block column B. I was going to play FOD*, but I thankfully realized that's not a word at the last minute.
>Scott_Garner: ACIIRRW C1 RAW +22 247
#note Actual rack.
>Tasha: DFFIILN 1A FI.N +24 296
>Scott_Garner: CIIRY 5J .RICY +24 271
>Tasha: DEEFILS 11H DEFILES +77 373
>Scott_Garner: IIRW N2 WIR. +20 291
>Tasha: AAILNTX M1 TAX +43 416
#note A year ago I would have played LAX, but I know better now. I'm learning! :D
>Scott_Garner: IMUV I1 VUM +20 311
>Tasha: AEIILNZ A1 .INALIZE +113 529
#note I almost missed this because I was so focused on blocking any bingos in the pool. I wanted to play off two tiles (to leave one in the bag) that blocked the lower right hand side of the board. So I settled with LEZ. But then I noticed the open F. Although it's unlikely he'll bingo to the F, I figure that lane was more dangerous than bingoing for chump change on row M or N so I decided to block that instead. I was going to play FIZ but I eventually notice I have a bingo myself to the F. So I decided its best to take out the F by playing FINALIZE instead of FIZ.
>Scott_Garner: ?EEHIPT 14F .EPHrITE +62 373
>Scott_Garner: (DOT) +8 381