Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
#player2 Conrad_BB Conrad BB
>Matt_Canik: AEEKMXY 8F KYE +20 20
#note I was really afraid this would fall into he "too cute" department, but this is winning a simulation over KEX. Setting up the M or MAX is quite good I guess.
>Conrad_BB: ?AINORU 9H RAINOUt +60 60
>Matt_Canik: AEGLMSX 8M MAX +41 61
>Conrad_BB: AEISTTU 7I SITUATE +76 136
>Matt_Canik: DEFGLSY 10J FEY +37 98
>Conrad_BB: CGI 10F CIG +16 152
#note Hey he didn't bingo this time!
>Matt_Canik: ADDGILS 6E GADDI +12 110
#note Just trying to open some crap up and get rid of these one-pointers. Nothingscores over 19 this turn. Q slihtly prefers GIDD(Y).
>Conrad_BB: OOOOO -OOOOO +0 152
>Matt_Canik: LLOSUVW 5I VOW +24 134
#note Don't like what this does to the board or my rack, but I sort of need to play it.
>Conrad_BB: BEOR 7D BORE +25 177
#note bore

>Matt_Canik: CDLLNSU L1 CULLS +30 164
>Conrad_BB: INOT 8A INTO +20 197
>Matt_Canik: ADEHLNP 1H PLAN.HED +194 358
>Matt_Canik: ADEHLNP -- -194 164
#note PLANCHED#. I can't say I know it from studying or anything, but for 194 points I think this is quite a reasonable thing to play here.
With a lot of reasonable options next turn, this is also less bad than normal if it gets challenged.
>Conrad_BB: EEEEE -EEEEE +0 197
>Matt_Canik: ADEHLNP 5D PAH +35 199
>Conrad_BB: ILQT 2K Q.ILT +28 225
>Matt_Canik: DEILNNR D7 ..NDER +18 217
>Conrad_BB: ?ENNRRS A8 .NSNaRER +71 296
>Matt_Canik: AFILNOT 4A FILO +30 247
>Conrad_BB: AEHMS B10 HAMES +60 356
#note damnit conrad
>Matt_Canik: ABENOTU 3C ABOUT +27 274
>Conrad_BB: AAIR O1 A.RIA +18 374
>Matt_Canik: DEENOPW E11 DEW +22 296
>Conrad_BB: EEGIJOZ 13E .IZ +25 399
>Matt_Canik: EENOPTV 2A TOP +15 311
>Conrad_BB: EEGJO G1 JE. +10 409
#note Conrad spent TEN MINUTES on this turn to milk extra spread, and he still messed it up!
>Matt_Canik: EENV 1A EN +14 325
>Conrad_BB: EGO 1G .OG +33 442
>Matt_Canik: EV F12 V.E +14 339
>Matt_Canik: (E) +2 341
Player 2
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