Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
#player2 Lois_Binnie Lois Binnie
>Peter_Kougi: AOPRTWY 8D WRAPT +28 28
#note This move sucks. Somehow didn't see WARTY
>Lois_Binnie: IMO 7F MOI +17 17
>Peter_Kougi: AEKNOUY D4 YAKO. +30 58
>Lois_Binnie: ADO E4 ODA +25 42
>Peter_Kougi: AADENUY F2 YAUD +27 85
>Lois_Binnie: BDI 6H BID +15 57
>Peter_Kougi: AEEGNQR K3 GREEN +19 104
>Lois_Binnie: EEMT 9F MEET +27 84
>Peter_Kougi: AFHIINQ 4H HAI.IF +32 136
>Lois_Binnie: EIJSV 10B JIVES +43 127
>Peter_Kougi: CEELNQT C9 Q. +21 157
>Lois_Binnie: INO 11A ION +24 151
>Peter_Kougi: CEELNOT H1 LOC. +27 184
#note CATELOG!
>Lois_Binnie: ?DINNUW L7 UNWINDs +74 225
>Peter_Kougi: BEEENRT M7 BE +17 201
>Lois_Binnie: ACLLOU 13F CALLOU. +10 235
>Peter_Kougi: EENNRST N8 TENNERS +71 272
>Lois_Binnie: OSZ O6 ZOS +48 283
>Peter_Kougi: EEELRUX O11 EX +36 308
>Lois_Binnie: ?EGRSTT 1G G.iTTERS +59 342
>Peter_Kougi: AEELRUV B10 ..UAL +24 332
#note JOULE better. Very low on time
>Lois_Binnie: APT A13 PAT +21 363
>Peter_Kougi: EEHIRRV H11 VI.ER +27 359
>Lois_Binnie: AFGIO 3M OAF +22 385
>Peter_Kougi: EHR C13 HER +31 390
#note Got out of jail
>Peter_Kougi: (GI) +6 396
Player 2
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