Player 1 |
#player1 Jeremy Jeremy
#player2 Joel Joel
>Jeremy: CLLNOTU 8G CULL +12 12
#note I somehow donked on CLOUT. UNCOLT# is good too. I didn't know it.
>Joel: ADEIMOU 9H MIAOUED +71 71
>Jeremy: IINOOST J5 ISO..TION +63 75
#note Thought process: Dang, he blocked (I7 or J7) INOSITOL. Oh cool, there's (G1) ISOTONIC but that's pretty risky. Maybe I have a nine. Hey! Cool. As it turns out ISOTONIC would have cost me dearly. Watch this!
>Joel: ADDIKMZ 5D ZADDIK.M +150 221
>Joel: ATV (challenge) +5 226
#note In five point challenge, you challenge when 150 points are scored on you, because sometimes you win.
>Jeremy: ABEEINR D1 BRAI.E +40 115
#note Okay, let's string this 3x3 lane open.
>Joel: ATV C5 TAV +38 264
#note I was totally going to do that if I pulled the first T.
>Jeremy: ?DEINOR 1A RIb.ONED +140 255
#note Boom! back in it!
>Joel: JNTUY 3C J.UNTY +34 298
>Jeremy: GGIILOQ I11 QI +24 279
#note 13F QIGONG# is what to play. whiff.
>Joel: EOW 2F OWE +26 324
>Jeremy: FGGILOR 8L GROG +34 313
#note H12 GOLF was turned down for me being uncertain on GIO#. It would have been better to open the board up here for sure.
>Joel: GHSU 8A GUSH +43 367
>Jeremy: FILNPRT 11I ..N +24 337
#note This didn't seem too bad with all those E's unseen. I have a chance at (U)PLIFTER if I can pull one. The sim slightly favors 12H F(IO)RIN#
>Joel: EEY E7 EYE +18 385
>Jeremy: FILPRTV 10B FLIRT +25 362
#note Missed (EYE)LIFT but this sims better anyhow.
>Joel: EET 10L TEE +18 403
>Jeremy: EFIPPVW -FIPPVW +0 362
#note Exch 6, keeping I is better. Makes sense, for -ING bingos at O1.
>Joel: AAELNNT 13E ANTEN.AL +73 476
#note And this one's over. I challenge ANTENNAL because I'm dead in the water if it stays on.
>Jeremy: ?AACEOO L12 O.EA +10 372
#note Joel razzes me for opening another triple line. I joke, why not? It's been working! I played 2 triple triples in a 3 game span. Quackle likes L12 ALOO# a lot better.
>Joel: ABHSW 15H BASH.W +42 518
>Jeremy: ?ACIORR O10 RACIeR +34 406
#note I can't see a way to win, so I drop my blank for points.
>Joel: EEFPPSV 14A VEEPS +22 540
>Jeremy: OX 4K OX +22 428
>Jeremy: (FP) +14 442
#note I forgot to count the +5 for the ANTENNAL challenge, and it appears Joel underscored that play by one point as well.