Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Adam_Logan Adam Logan
#player2 Matthew_Tunnicliffe Matthew Tunnicliffe
>Adam_Logan: CJOSU 8D JUCOS +44 44
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEEILTV H1 ELATIVE. +86 86
>Adam_Logan: EFRZ E7 F.RZE +34 78
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: BCPRSTU 12A BURPS +42 128
>Adam_Logan: DNWY 5G W.NDY +24 102
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: CEILMOT A8 CLOM. +33 161
#note Burned a lot of time looking for eights with all those through tiles. Nothing, though. And as usual, I too annoyed to put a lot of thought into the best nonbingo. CLOMB is fine, I think, for being annoying for bingos. If I can make a parallel to ELA next turn, the board gets pretty tight. But the hot spot next to the O is worrisome. Maybe MOBILE is the play. That's Quackle's sim winner.
>Adam_Logan: AAB 4J ABA +20 122
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EIINOTT 10E .ITI +15 176
#note Wanted to block rows 1 and 2 this turn if possible. But I1 TIE seemed a little too much to give up
>Adam_Logan: AENORSU 2G A.EURONS +70 192
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EENOORT 1L TOON +22 198
#note Played this turn too quickly. Thought taking the spot was obvious, but 6J OE is really strong. It's not a huge error.
>Adam_Logan: AW B9 AW +28 220
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EEKLNRY G1 Y.K +31 229
>Adam_Logan: DEGGTU 11H TUGGED +20 240
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EEFILNR M7 FLIN.ER +32 261
#note Didn't like seeing him turn over 6 into two unseen blanks. I had to hope that he couldn't bingo without giving a line back. So FLINDER kind of ensures that. One problem though: bag is a bit vowelly, so FIELDER, maybe.
>Adam_Logan: ?AEEIIL J8 wEI.ELIA +62 302
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?AEINPQ 9L Q. +11 272
#note I dunno. L6? I guess.
>Adam_Logan: INOORTT 15G ROT.TION +77 379
#note Haha, nice that takes guts
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?AEHINP 14B PINHEAd +79 351
#note Still very much alive with an S unseen.
>Adam_Logan: ADDHOS O10 HODADS +66 445
#note aw
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEGIMVX 15A XI +31 382
>Adam_Logan: EER 3L REE +19 464
>Adam_Logan: (MGVAE) +22 486
Player 2
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