Player 1 |
#player1 Brendan_Sullivan Brendan Sullivan
#player2 Jeff_Clark Jeff Clark
>Brendan_Sullivan: ABEEGIJ 8D BEIGE +22 22
#note JIBE is better.
>Jeff_Clark: IILP E5 PIL.I +14 14
>Brendan_Sullivan: AGIJOUU -GIJOUU +0 22
#note 32 points is worth it; take F2 JUGA.
>Jeff_Clark: NX 6D N.X +26 40
>Brendan_Sullivan: AAAIKRT 5E .ARKA +20 42
#note 5C KAPA 21 is better; one more point and it saves the R.
>Jeff_Clark: AENNRTY 4I TANNERY +80 120
>Brendan_Sullivan: AIOTUVW O1 WAV. +39 81
>Jeff_Clark: MO N1 OM +21 141
>Brendan_Sullivan: EINOTUU -OUU +0 81
#note Perhaps unorthodox, but it wins a 2-ply sim.
>Jeff_Clark: ADQ 9C QA.D +31 172
>Brendan_Sullivan: EEIMNOT 3C ONETIME +76 157
#note Best placement, but I totally forgot about the Z front hook!
>Jeff_Clark: AGR M1 RAG. +21 193
>Brendan_Sullivan: ?CDEHLT 9H LaTCHED +65 222
#note Any of LICHTED, LATCHED, LETCHED fit here. Interestingly, D8 (BA)TCH 24 and 5E (PARKA)DE 35 are very competitive in the sim. If I take a bingo, LICHTED is a tiny bit better since it makes the VCVC overlaps from 8L to the TWS worth a little bit less.
>Jeff_Clark: ?AORRST K6 TRA.tORS +68 261
#note The highest scoring bingo, along with TROCHARS and REACTORS.
>Brendan_Sullivan: BHOOUWY 13I BU.HY +32 254
#note Sure, I thought about playing any of HOW or YOW or BOW at 8M, but what would those have left me with? I preferred to take BUSHY, leaving WOO, and hope the TWS stays open so that I can play WOO or something else there.
>Jeff_Clark: IIIIU -IIIIU +0 261
>Brendan_Sullivan: AJOOPSW 8M WOP +32 286
#note I didn't even think about 2A JOW 31. Might not be a good idea though, with two Ts unseen.
>Jeff_Clark: EFNOZ 4A ZONE +52 313
#note He laid down B1 FEZ, then picked it up to play ZONE. Now I remembered the ZONETIME hook.
>Brendan_Sullivan: AJORSUU H1 JA. +36 322
#note Here's where I really started to get myself in trouble. 7I JU(R)A 19 is probably best; with a good draw I might even hit a bingo along Row 11/14. This is essential a points or leave situation, with not much to consider by way of board position. JAM brings the score to even, but ORSUU could lead to disaster quite quickly. JU(R)A leaves me a bit behind, and if he can cash the Z, I might be done, unless I get a bingo draw. Also, 14F JURA 31 scores, but he could easily get a 30+ point underlap. If I could do it again, I'd take JU(R)A, but that might be because I know what happened after JAM. Another consideration is I11 JU(B)A, but that could hurt me if he has an S.
>Jeff_Clark: DEFO 2B FEOD +25 338
>Brendan_Sullivan: ILORSUU A4 .ORIL +42 364
#note Still clinging to these Us, but this one I have to take.
>Jeff_Clark: CIS 10B CIS +27 365
>Brendan_Sullivan: AFIOSUU 1F FU.I +14 378
#note I sat for a few minutes debating whether an exchange would work out here. I thought about keeping AS, or even AFS. For a brief second, I thought about gambling with CUIF, hoping that he doesn't have the other S, but after CIS, I might have to assume he does. Essentially, this game is going to come down to what I pick out of the bag this turn. As such, I decided that I wanted to have 14 more points in the bank before doing so. AOSU is ugly, but with a couple consonants and an E, it might work out. If I exchange and still draw drek, then I'm totally done for. But, with the fate of this game hinging on a good draw, I'd rather be drawing to AS than AOSU. This is likely the move that lost the game. Also, I underscored it by 1!?
>Jeff_Clark: DEEIIUV 10K .IED +28 393
>Brendan_Sullivan: AOSTUUV M13 .OU +6 384
#note Crap, now I have no time again. I searched and searched for anything that scored remotely well but saw nothing. My final thought was to hope to draw an I from the bag and hit QIVIUT. But no matter what I draw, I'm not winning this one unless he royally screws up. Hell, he might even bing out with GENTILES or GENTLES or TINGLES.
>Jeff_Clark: EEEGLST 14F GLEET +20 413
#note I guess YOU distracted him enough to not see QIVIUT coming. The best play is 11C SEG 26 setting up 15K EL(U)TE 21.
>Brendan_Sullivan: AINSTUV C9 ..VIUT +36 420
#note I should have played the S, but my hastiness to avoid a time penalty clouded my thoughts. It salvages 9 net points.
>Jeff_Clark: ES 15B ES +21 434
>Jeff_Clark: (ANS) +6 440