Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Justin_Bailey Justin Bailey
#player2 Winter Winter
>Justin_Bailey: AFLOR 8D FLORA +24 24
>Winter: IIOQTVW 7C QI +26 26
>Justin_Bailey: ?AELMPS 9H iMPALES +65 89
#note Here we go.
>Winter: ABIOTVW 8M BOW +30 56
#note Don't really want to close it up, but closing his lead to 28 is worth it.
>Justin_Bailey: ERX 6D REX +32 121
>Winter: ACITUVW 5E WAIT +33 89
#note HATE this leave.
>Justin_Bailey: EHLP 4D HELP +38 159
#note He's getting the goods alright.
>Winter: ACEORUV K8 V.CUA +20 109
#note Hate to take out the A, especially since VACUA doesn't take a hook, but I'm at loss to find a good play, and who knows, maybe he'll try to hook it with an S, L, or E.

>Justin_Bailey: IIMR 10F MIRI +18 177
#note Finally, he scores light.
>Winter: EEEIOORY 10K .OYER +27 136
#note Gotta squeeze out points wherever I can. Quackle likes OORIE, but I'm not giving up points hoping for a bingo on this board. That's stupid.
>Justin_Bailey: DEEHV 12I HE.VED +26 203
#note This guy.
>Winter: AADEINO 7M ODA +25 161
#note Trying to make it work.
>Justin_Bailey: DEGNSSU 11B DUNGESS +77 280
>Justin_Bailey: DEGNSSU -- -77 203
#note Had no idea if this was good--scared the shit out of me.
>Winter: AEIJNUU 3B JEU +25 186
#note These tiles, jeez.
>Justin_Bailey: DEGNSSU H1 GUES. +32 235
#note Well, at least he opened up a lin.
>Winter: AEIINRU B1 IN.URE +30 216
>Justin_Bailey: DDIO A6 DIDO +21 256
#note Whew.
>Winter: AAEINTT A1 TA +14 230
#note Okay, now, with four lines, I've gotta go for the bino.
>Justin_Bailey: ?CEINRS 11B CREtINS +75 331
#note For the love of...!!! Still, at least he is missing his best plays.
>Winter: AEINNOT 13D ENATION +67 297
>Justin_Bailey: AK 12D KA +28 359
#note Oh, come on.
>Winter: EGOSTTY 14F YO +28 325
#note Gotta go for the bingo, or to force him to make a mistake while trying to block.
>Justin_Bailey: GILTZ 15G GLITZ +49 408
>Winter: AEGNSTT 2F GA.NTEST +65 390
#note Damn near had a heart attack this game.
>Winter: (BFNO) +18 408
Player 2
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