Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Cameron_Farlow Cameron Farlow
#player2 JD JD
>Cameron_Farlow: CEERW 8D CREWE +26 26
#note my games for the beginning of day three were all competitive, and this was no exception.
>JD: AIRRTWZ E4 WAZI. +34 34
>Cameron_Farlow: EPRT D8 .REPT +18 44
>Cameron_Farlow: EGGLO 1D .OGGLE +30 74
>JD: ?ADLRTT 11D .RATTLeD +90 152
>Cameron_Farlow: ?EERSTU J1 SUETiER +71 145
>Cameron_Farlow: ADLU 8L DUAL +31 176
>JD: ADEINOY C2 YONI +29 247
#note the board is going to start to get closed in a hurry, I need to start strategizing for how to take away threats. YONI is nice because it sets up AYU at B2 for me to score with at some point. The downside of this play is that it creates a new bingo lane and leaves a big J play available at 10F, but it also lets me see more new tiles (DEINO isn't going to accomplish much on this board)
>Cameron_Farlow: EIVX 4H VI.EX +38 214
>JD: AADEIMO 3I O.DEMA +35 282
#note OIDIA at 5I prevents him from re-overlapping for cheap points.
>Cameron_Farlow: HOY 2L HOY +45 259
>JD: ACIIOTV B1 VAC +33 315
#note at the time I was convinced that I had made a major mistake - COZ at 6C closes the last bingo lane and saves the A for B2. quackle doesn't necessarily agree, but I think COZ was a missed opportunity.
>Cameron_Farlow: AILP 10F PAIL +33 292
>JD: BIINOOT 10L BIO +22 337
#note not ideal because of the new big plays it creates on column O but I see nothing better
>Cameron_Farlow: FK 5I K.F +39 331
#note stop scoring so much!
>JD: EHIINOT F5 IO +19 356
#note I was trying to minimize my exposure to the Q while scoring points. Quackle says that dumping the H as well with HOI increases my bingo percentage significantly.
>Cameron_Farlow: AA G5 AA +17 348
>JD: EEFHINT C9 EF +14 370
#note it seemed like I had to block his bingo spot while also trying my best to avoid the Q and the potential ensuing Q stick. The only spot available is at B5 (or QIS there if I draw an S). At the very least I must keep an I. Quackle likes HEFTE at 12J or FEH, which seem inaccurate given his last fish for a bunch of points.
>Cameron_Farlow: NNO 12J NON +10 358
#note it really seemed at the tiem that he should've played EN or something like that - he didn't have the Q yet.
>JD: EHIJNRT 13I JET +24 394
#note lucky to be given a spot to play my J, quackle says I win 87.5% of my endgames now. at the very least any stick would be complicated.
>Cameron_Farlow: DEINQST B6 QINS +36 394
#note his best play
>JD: HINRSS 14J SHINS +33 427
>JD: UNKNOWN (challenge) +5 432
#note challenged ENES
>Cameron_Farlow: DET M7 D...TE +13 407
#note nice find
>Cameron_Farlow: (R) +2 409
Player 2
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