Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jason_Keller Jason Keller
#player2 Chris_Lipe Chris Lipe
>Jason_Keller: HOO 8F OHO +12 12
>Chris_Lipe: ACDENST E5 DESCANT +99 99
>Jason_Keller: ?ADEINY 7G cYANIDE +71 83
>Chris_Lipe: HJKMNOO F2 JOMON +39 138
#note Not sure if there's much difference between F2 and 6I. They lead to very different games. This seems like the sort of choice that truly is stylistic.
>Jason_Keller: AAI 6I AIA +13 96
>Chris_Lipe: AEEHKOR 5K KHOR +36 174
#note I can hear Cahnmann now. "You suck, Lipe!"
>Jason_Keller: IOORSTU 11E .ORTIOUS +66 162
>Chris_Lipe: AEEIIPU H11 .AUPE +24 198
>Jason_Keller: EFZ 8M FEZ +50 212
>Chris_Lipe: EEGIIIM 10C MI.GE +21 219
#note I'm looking at this months after the fact so I can't even tell what was wrong with me.
>Jason_Keller: DEEY 4L EYED +37 249
>Chris_Lipe: ?AEIINO G2 ONIE +25 244
>Jason_Keller: BLNTU 9I BLUNT +18 267
>Chris_Lipe: ?AGISST 15H .ASTInGS +77 321
>Jason_Keller: AGR O1 GRA. +18 285
>Chris_Lipe: CDENRWX H1 CRED +48 369
#note For the love of Pete.
>Jason_Keller: ABP 3J BAP +15 300
>Chris_Lipe: ELNQWWX C10 .EWL +18 387
>Jason_Keller: AVV 7B VAV. +11 311
>Chris_Lipe: NQTWX 13G T.X +19 406
#note Don't have the rest of this rack recorded.
>Jason_Keller: F 3N F. +11 322
>Chris_Lipe: IILNQUW C3 QUIN. +28 434
>Jason_Keller: EEILRRT D2 RIT +21 343
>Chris_Lipe: ILW 13A WI.L +7 441
>Chris_Lipe: (EELR) +8 449
Player 2
Prevent game from appearing in all lists of uploaded games?
Prevent game from appearing in list of recently uploaded games?

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