Player 1 |
#player1 estancia estancia estancia
#player2 ozmarules ozmarules ozmarules
#title estancia (rated 1778) versus ozmarules (1778). Ratings are for this dictionary.
#description Internet Scrabble Club, 22:Apr:07, dictionary: TWL98, time: 15 0 rated, noescape: ON, challenge: DOUBLE
>estancia: ?AAGLOR 8D GRAnOLA +68 68
>ozmarules: DDEORUZ J6 ZO. +32 32
#note F8 ADZ is obviously better, or J8.. didn't see them [-7]
>estancia: DEEFOST E4 DEFO.EST +98 166
>ozmarules: DDEIRRU 4A DRUI. +18 50
>estancia: HJNORSU 12A JOHNS +59 225
>ozmarules: ADEEPRT A1 PRE.ATED +158 208
#note woo!
>estancia: AIMRUUV A12 .URA +33 258
>ozmarules: CEINQRS C3 Q.IN +26 234
#note F2 QIS sims slightly better, by about one point [-1]
>estancia: BCIMOUV C9 MUC.O +30 288
>ozmarules: CEILRST 15A .RTICLES +83 317
>estancia: AABGIRV K2 BRAVA +31 319
#note K3 VIGA is a little better, [-2]
>ozmarules: EINOOVW 3I VI.EO +24 341
#note an obvious mistake -- L1 VIEW. [-16]
>estancia: AEGHIOW F10 HO +28 347
#note 14F AWEIGH sims best[-10]
>ozmarules: ADENOTW L1 WE.D +34 375
#note now i see the hotspot
>estancia: AEGIITW G3 WAITI.G +17 364
#note 2K BEWIG sims best.. this is a cool play! [-8]
>ozmarules: AEKNOST 1L .OKE +33 408
#note 1L WONK is a little better. [-4]
>estancia: BEELNNX B9 EX +54 418
>ozmarules: AFNSTTY 2F FAT +25 433
#note didn't see the nice 7A EFT. [-5]
>estancia: BEGILNN G11 NEB +11 429
#note quackle likes benign (keeping the L and with two Ys unseen, he can draw benignly next turn). 14G BEN also opens it a little better. [-8]
>ozmarules: AINPSTY O1 .PINASTY +92 525
#note what a nice draw
>estancia: EGILNUY L6 GUYLINE +93 522
#note omg
>estancia: (?EILMN) +14 536
#note final score estancia 536 vs. ozmarules 525