Player 1 |
#player1 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
#player2 Wesley_Yocom Wesley Yocom
>Matthew_Larocque: EJLMNQS -JLQ +0 0
#note Maybe keep ENS? Dunno. A quick sim likes ELMNS. Isn't that a bit consonant heavy?
>Wesley_Yocom: IORSZ 8D ZORIS +48 48
>Matthew_Larocque: EIMNRST H1 MINSTER. +83 83
#note I don't know any eights. Just sevens with an S on the end, which don't count! TRIMNES(S).
>Wesley_Yocom: BDIN 4D BIND. +16 64
>Matthew_Larocque: AAAEOOT F3 A.OA +6 89
#note It all sucks. All of it. But AO(R)TAE gets more turnover at least.
>Wesley_Yocom: EILV E8 .LIVE +16 80
>Matthew_Larocque: ?AEHKOT 1H .EATHoOK +110 199
#note This trash actually stayed on the board. Beyond comprehension. You're a good guy, Wes. There was a lot of crap on the phony board, but in the end they voted *MEATHOOK and the coveted phony trophy was mine to take home.
>Wesley_Yocom: DEEEIST 7H .EEDIEST +61 141
#note He later chuckled at not playing (N)EEDIEST. Sounds like something I'd do!
>Matthew_Larocque: EEEIQRR O5 RE.E +12 211
#note Wes, you opened that TWS at a really bad time. That's what I told him.
>Wesley_Yocom: ACGNNT L3 CANT.NG +22 163
>Matthew_Larocque: EIIPQRT 5C QI +15 226
>Wesley_Yocom: AMPRV 12D R.VAMP +32 195
>Matthew_Larocque: EIPRTUY H12 .ITY +27 253
#note I think I saw 2G P(I)TY but not 6J PI(T)Y. Also, E(M)PTY.
>Wesley_Yocom: AJ 14H .AJ +26 221
>Matthew_Larocque: ?EEGPRU 3J PU.E +16 269
#note Missed out on the G-hook at G7.
>Wesley_Yocom: BDI 6B BID +29 250
>Matthew_Larocque: ?EGGLRR 10C wR.GGLER +65 334
#note I half thought this was phony too! Wes didn't want to touch it.
>Wesley_Yocom: IW 6J WI. +30 280
>Matthew_Larocque: ACHOOUX F12 .OX +29 363
#note Saw OOH(S), gambled that I could still play OH(S) next turn.
>Wesley_Yocom: LLT 4K T.LL +8 288
>Matthew_Larocque: ACFHOOU 15J OUCH +21 384
#note Forgot about OUCHES, didn't know FAU(G)H. Maybe 2N FA instead?
>Wesley_Yocom: AF 2N FA +26 314
#note See, Wes has the right idea.
>Matthew_Larocque: AFOOU N7 .OU +5 389
#note Didn't get the full rack. I was kind of playing paranoid defense because I didn't feel completely safe with my lead.
>Wesley_Yocom: ES 15J ....ES +33 347
#note Oh yeah.
>Matthew_Larocque: AAEFNUY 14M AYE +29 418
#note Champ says play EF, I just took the points.
>Wesley_Yocom: DNOOW 13K NOD +22 369
>Matthew_Larocque: AFNU 9I FAN. +23 441
>Wesley_Yocom: OW 12K OW +22 391
#note He chickened out on ODAH.
>Wesley_Yocom: (U) +2 393
#note I guess I don't feel too bad, Wes has played more than his share of phonies on me! My record went from 1-7 against him to 7-7 after I smartened up a bit.