Game Details
Player 1
#player1 stu stu
#player2 cesar cesar
>stu: IKL 8H ILK +14 14
>cesar: CGHNNTX H6 TH.NG +9 9
#note not sure what to do here, various exchanges and playing through with THING all sim very closely. i suppose i like points. CHT is the best thing to keep probably or CH.
>stu: ?AHIOTZ K6 HOATZIn +94 108
>cesar: CDEJLNX 11J J.NX +18 27
>stu: IQS 13I QIS +41 149
>cesar: AACDELR L1 CRAALED +84 111
>stu: EEEINP 1I EPI.ENE +33 182
>cesar: ABEIORV M9 BO.IER +36 147
>stu: COY N8 COY +33 215
>cesar: AAELSSV 11D LAVAS +26 173
#note quackle likes AVA or maybe 3I VASAL, 6F VAT, etc. i don't know what is right here, but i know those close the board and LAVAS opens it. (-1)
>stu: AAII D9 AA.II +10 225
>cesar: AEEFSUW N13 FEW +27 200
#note quackle likes FEU keeping AESW better, gives up slightly fewer points, and AESW is an arguably better leave. i will need the W to score next turn and then try bingoing, because the U won't help much. (-4)
>stu: EET O13 TEE +33 258
>cesar: AEEGMSU C12 AMU +20 220
#note i was torn between C6 GEUM and C12 AMU. it clearly seems like GEUM is a much better play but i didn't like it for a few reasons. i thought it was too easy for him to block on the E column with a decently high scoring play, and then i didn't like AES through the A, which would be the only 8-lane left. still the lane on 2 looks ok and GEUM is much more likely than AMU to bingo next turn. i thought playing AMU might also pressure him into making a mistake if he attempted to block that. still though, it just seems like a mistake. (-8)
>stu: DOOP 2F POOD +16 274
>cesar: ?EEGMST 15C SEGMEnT +86 306
>stu: ALORV 3C VOLAR +25 299
>cesar: ENNTUUU 3J UN.U +8 314
#note he blocked my nice dump of UNTUNE unfortunately.
>stu: DDEOW 4D DOWED +43 342
#note blaaaaah
>cesar: EFGNSTU 9F FU. +7 321
#note i actually didn't see FETS 5C at all, or just thought i needed to bingo. there could be ways for me to win after FETS although it still seems pretty unlikely. i saw NU 14B while quackling, but even that is pretty blockable, so i'm not sure what i can play.
>stu: BINRY C5 BRINY +24 366
>cesar: EGNRSTT 15A RE....... +33 354
>cesar: EGNRSTT -- -33 321
#note i also mistracked and thought he had 4 tiles. this is phony
>stu: IOR 6E RIO. +6 372
>stu: (STRENGT) +16 388
Player 2
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