Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Peter Peter
>Peter: AAELNRT 9H TARNEAL +75 75
>Peter: AAELNRT -- -75 0
>JD: ADEPPVY 9H PAP +28 60
#note interesting, PAP sims worse because the DEVY leave is never bingoing, whereas a play like PEAVY gives me a better chance of bingoing.
>Peter: AAELNRT 9H ...A +8 8
>JD: DEEKTVY 7G KY +36 96
>Peter: AELNRST L6 ANTLERS +75 83
>JD: DEEEFTV 11H FEVE.ED +28 124
#note interesting that FETE or FETED sim evenly. putting the F at H11 gives peter a few points, but somehow the board after FETE helps me.
>Peter: GMOT 10K G.MOT +23 106
>JD: EEHINRT H11 .IRTH +36 160
#note what the - I saw the chance of NITHERED# and then missed NEITHER?!?!??? oh god
>Peter: BIJ K4 JIB +28 134
>JD: AEENNSU 4K .UN +20 180
#note jeune# is the play
>Peter: DHW 12F WH.D +14 148
>Peter: EEERSTT 15D TEET.ERS +62 210
#note he had teeters 2x2 if he sees ESKY#!
>JD: BFGIINN 1D FI.ING +42 296
>Peter: AO 13F OA. +15 225
>JD: BNORRWX 3C BOR.X +44 340
>Peter: ?AACEIL 14J AECIA +24 249
#note his actual rack
>JD: DILNORW O12 WILD +44 384
#note chickened out of wold for some reason
>Peter: AGU 5C AGU. +10 259
>JD: ?EINOOR N1 NOOkIER +76 460
#note anagram of ROOINEK!
>Peter: ?AIILNT D8 LITIgAN. +66 325
>JD: DOOOQRS 11C Q.S +24 484
>Peter: CEM 9C M.CE +11 336
>Peter: (DOOOR) +12 348
Player 2
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