Player 1 |
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Olaugh Olaugh
#note I needed to beat John by 66 to pass him in the tournament, though Conrad was 1 spread point behind.
>Olaugh: AFO 7E OAF +24 24
>JD: ?AEISTY H8 .ESYATIn +86 110
#note I wanted to play HAYIEST#, but even though I figured it was good I had never seen it so I took the safer points
>Olaugh: OTZ 9E TOZ. +55 79
>Olaugh: AAEIN 13H .AENIA +23 102
#note john figured he was already in big trouble when he didn't have an S here
>JD: CHLNQVX E11 V.X +26 218
#note hope I draw some vowels
>Olaugh: ?AEFNPR C3 FiREPAN +90 192
>JD: CHLMNQR 4A CH.RM +28 246
#note hmm, did not think of QIN here instead of CHIRM. QIN is way better.
>Olaugh: HLRU A4 .HURL +30 222
>JD: EIIILNQ G14 QI +23 269
>Olaugh: ANW 11H .AWN +37 259
>JD: AAEIILN 13C NI.E +28 297
#note man, what now? I saw REALIA but didn't like how many cheap points it gave up. I was thinking about playing pretty fishily because the blanks were gone and I wanted to keep my good letters, but the pool is chock full of bingo letters. my ultimate choice was pretty bad. I think I like REALIA now, especially because the volatility increases my chances of beating john by a margin greater than the 66 I need to pass him.
>Olaugh: CDNOOS N8 CODONS +20 279
#note what a nutso play! I think he was scared of PEEKABOOS.
>JD: AAILTUW M9 WAI +24 321
#note trying to create some kind of lanes
>Olaugh: EGM 5E MEG +24 303
>JD: AEILOTU 14B LOUT +29 350
#note the pool is unusually consonant-heavy so I figured I would get greedy and take the 5 extra points for LOUT (misscored as 30). Quackle likes it.
>Olaugh: LST L12 S.LT +44 347
#note guess he had CODONSS or something
#note with unilinear now blocked twice over I felt the best chance had of getting the big win I wanted was getting some turnover here and then bingoing.
>Olaugh: EIJRT 15J JI.TER +39 386
#note well, I did draw a bingo, but it doesn't go anywhere (TREAGUE#). unfortunately for me I missed the key hook - forgot about GLOUT. If I play there I take his best scoring play away and let myself go out next turn. TEGU# is a 100% win, EUGE is 7/8. With my actual draw of the V only TEGU does it.
>Olaugh: DEGIISY 5J YID +28 414
#note easy win for john, GIE at 5J was best by a couple over this.
>JD: TV 15F V.. +5 402
>Olaugh: EGIS 1G G.ISE +6 420
#note nice win for john! egis best. also grise#. I came two big mistakes away from going 6-0!
>Olaugh: (T) +2 422