Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Aldo_Cardia Aldo Cardia
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Aldo_Cardia: AAJV 8G JAVA +28 28
>Joshua_Sokol: AAEIPRR G7 A.AR +13 13
#note I prefer defense against someone like Aldo.
>Aldo_Cardia: AEGOU 10E AE.UGO +11 39
>Joshua_Sokol: DEIOPRU F6 UP +10 23
#note I think this was my rack, and I missed a cute UPO 9I, or UP, for that matter. This seems like a bad play.
>Aldo_Cardia: DEIINO 5D IODINE +20 59
>Joshua_Sokol: DEEIIOR H1 IODI.E +24 47
#note lol
>Aldo_Cardia: QT E9 Q.T +24 83
>Joshua_Sokol: BDDEERY 4A DERBY +39 86
#note Maybe just BY or B(I)DDY so as not to open a triple lane with two blanks unseen...
>Aldo_Cardia: NOVW B1 WOV.N +22 105
>Joshua_Sokol: DEEFORU 1A O.ED +30 116
>Aldo_Cardia: BNY 2G B.NY +17 122
>Joshua_Sokol: EFRRTUZ 11J FUTZ +37 153
>Aldo_Cardia: EL M9 LE. +13 135
>Joshua_Sokol: CEENRRT L8 CEN.ER +26 179
#note A4 DECERN. CEN(T)ER was an attempt at being defensive that failed. Maybe even F1 REC to keep a pretty balanced rack. Scored as 25.
>Aldo_Cardia: ?ACELLT 14F CALLETs +74 209
>Joshua_Sokol: AINRRRT 15G RAIN +24 203
>Aldo_Cardia: AAGG A4 .AGGA +26 235
#note scored as 24.
>Joshua_Sokol: KOORRTX 4H .ROKO +20 223
#note This seems about right, hopefully I can score with the x next turn.
>Aldo_Cardia: HILMSU 1J MULISH +43 278
>Joshua_Sokol: EIORSTX 2B .X +18 241
#note I needed a lucky draw here. I saw I could bingo with NSS? with the H at O1, so I thought this leave was the best I could hope for, but maybe I should just keep TIRES, even though Aldo is likely to block the bottom left quadrant next turn. I'm not sure the sim takes that into account. Maybe B7 OX is still the superior play. I don't know. Maybe K4 (K)EX was too many points to give up. I also lost one point by not playing I4 (RE)X.
>Aldo_Cardia: FHIS 12C FISH +33 311
>Joshua_Sokol: ?EIORST O1 .OaRIEST +83 324
#note Well, a lucky blank draw for me. I couldn't have asked for better. I really debated what bingo to play, as I didn't know if I wanted to give him the W overlap spot. I think it all depends on what he left, which doesn't seem possible to infer after FISH. The sim of course likes K4 (K)OI best, but wouldn't I need to get something through the F after a blocking play? Maybe if he doesn't have the S for a _(I)__S play at 6J I can win after KOI. I think (H)OISTERs is my best shot.
>Aldo_Cardia: EEINSTW N5 TWEES +38 349
>Aldo_Cardia: EEINSTW -- -38 311
#note I saw N6 WEEST and he played this instead. I was really happy when I challenged it off. Now all I have to do is go out in two and block his W bomb.
>Joshua_Sokol: MPT L3 T.MP +8 332
>Joshua_Sokol: MPT -- -8 324
#note Of course, instead, I decide that T(O)MP is a word...
This has to be the worst choke I have ever had in Scrabble. I laid it down with 3 minutes left and then second-guessed myself, wondering if I was just making the word up. I was, but I decided that it had to be good. What the fuck...
>Aldo_Cardia: EEINSTW N5 TWEE +34 345
>Joshua_Sokol: MPT M1 .MP +14 338
>Aldo_Cardia: INS K4 .INS +16 361
>Aldo_Cardia: (T) +2 363
#note Top this, Sean Wrona.
Player 2
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