Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Russell_Honeybun Russell Honeybun
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Russell_Honeybun: AFH 8G FAH +18 18
>Peter_Kougi: BCGIIOW 9H WIG +19 19
>Russell_Honeybun: AENOPSW 10F WEAPONS +91 109
>Peter_Kougi: BCIIOOT L4 BIOTIC. +24 43
>Russell_Honeybun: DGHT 8K D.GHT +30 139
>Peter_Kougi: DDINOST K3 NOD +18 61
#note Didn't know SNODDIT. Obv NOD is better than ODD or DOD in the same spot
>Russell_Honeybun: INZ J2 ZIN +39 178
>Peter_Kougi: DEEISTT 5J E..T +18 79
>Russell_Honeybun: AFOR 1G FORA +35 213
>Peter_Kougi: DEGISTY G10 .DGY +13 92
#note This is so weak. We were using those tiles with the huge print for vision-impaired people, which kind of threw me off
>Russell_Honeybun: EILOTU 2B OUTLIE +21 234
>Peter_Kougi: EIKORST H13 OIK +26 118
>Russell_Honeybun: AMMU 1A UMMA +38 272
>Peter_Kougi: AAEERST O7 S.EARATE +59 177
>Russell_Honeybun: AEU N10 AUE +13 285
>Peter_Kougi: BEELNVX 11C VEXE. +37 214
#note Wow this has to be the worst game I've played in ages!
>Russell_Honeybun: ACEENOR 7A CORNEAE +67 352
>Peter_Kougi: BDILNOS 15K BOLDS +54 268
>Russell_Honeybun: INQ 3A QIN +39 391
>Peter_Kougi: ILNRRVY D10 V.RILY +32 300
>Russell_Honeybun: ?EEILPS A6 E.LIPSEd +86 477
>Peter_Kougi: ?ANRRTU 6A .NAUnT +22 322
#note Phoney!
>Russell_Honeybun: J 3I J.. +18 495
>Russell_Honeybun: (RR) +4 499
Player 2
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