Player 1 |
#player1 Roy_Kamen Roy Kamen
#player2 paulsid paulsid
#description Saved by Elise version 0.0.6
#lexicon TWL06
>Roy_Kamen: AITX 8G TAXI +22 22
>paulsid: AEELNOV 7F VANE +24 24
>Roy_Kamen: DNO 6I DON +17 39
>paulsid: DEGLOOR 5J GOLD +19 43
>Roy_Kamen: AEEGOT 4H GOATEE +32 71
>paulsid: EEGNOR? 9A ENGORgE +64 107
#note Blocked not only the best spot but also two 9s. I saw the obvious one. Didn't know the safer KEROGEN.
>Roy_Kamen: ABEN 8A BEAN +41 112
>paulsid: AAEHINN H1 HINGE +27 134
#note Decided to play HINGE instead of HANG with 4 As already out and only 1 I, plus it gets rid of an extra vowel. ANA didn't seem too bad under the circumstances. Elise agrees.
>Roy_Kamen: IQ G2 QI +26 138
>paulsid: AADIJTU 5E JADE +24 158
#note Hard time with the last rack... decided on the simplest play.
>Roy_Kamen: IVW M1 WIVED +24 162
>paulsid: ACFITUU 9J FUCI +15 173
>Roy_Kamen: AEPR 1K PAWER +33 195
#note Held PAWER... didn't know it but didn't think he had any reason to play a phoney there.
>paulsid: AEKOTTU 8M AUK +23 196
#note Saw TAKEOUT/OUTTAKE but no go on this board. Tough to decide whether to keep the double-T or the U, decided on AUK because the K would be hard to bingo with and the U would be a problem on this board. Elise likes KETO 6B or the cute OUTEAT(EN) B2.
>Roy_Kamen: EMT 2L TIME +24 219
>paulsid: EHORTTZ 6B ZERO +42 238
>Roy_Kamen: LTU L9 CULT +12 231
>paulsid: EHISTTY 13I YETIS +31 269
#note Tough choice I thought, liked YETIS since I have the H to tie up on 14J next turn or counter a bingo if he has one. Elise says I probably overthought this one.
>Roy_Kamen: INRSUW? -WU +0 231
#note He gave me the rack after as a puzzle. We both missed UNWISeR (tougher with the blank). Curiously, Elise says no exchange makes the top 20, I didn't think it was that bad. SWIN(E) C2 was best after the bingo?!?
>paulsid: BFHILOT 14J HI +28 297
#note With the obvious fish exchange I try to score and block the most likely bingo line. Elise likes pedal-to-the-metal plays BLIT(Z) or FOIBL(E) in the upper-left.
>Roy_Kamen: INRS? D8 NOR +3 234
>paulsid: BCFLLOT 12G COB +15 312
#note Thankfully I am awake enough to see the mandatory omni-block. If he bingoes with the K so be it.
>Roy_Kamen: INRS? G12 CRIS +7 241
#note Obvious desperation!
>paulsid: ELLOPTW 15C LOWEST +30 342
>Roy_Kamen: MN? 14F MI +20 261
>paulsid: ADFLPUY 11K FLAY +20 362
#note Not really worried about a K bingo but may as well cut it off and get rid of my biggest tiles. Elise says I didn't have to worry and likes LAYUP. Probably woulda played it if I saw it, low on time.
>Roy_Kamen: ANORSS? O11 SONAR +29 290
>paulsid: DILPU 11C DIP +16 378
>Roy_Kamen: S? I1 iS +17 307
>Roy_Kamen: (LU) +4 311
>paulsid: LU (time) -10 368