Player 1 |
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Sue_Tremblay Sue Tremblay
>Joshua_Sokol: EEEJORU H7 JEE +20 20
#note JEU. Even JOE because of the A hook even.
>Sue_Tremblay: ACEILNR 6G CARLINE +72 72
#note RELIANC(E). Also the other spot for CARLINE.
>Joshua_Sokol: BEHHORU 5K HUH +35 55
>Sue_Tremblay: ATT 4K ATT +24 96
>Joshua_Sokol: DEEORSZ I4 ZE.O +24 79
#note Z(E)E didn't leave me any decent lanes.
>Sue_Tremblay: III -III +0 96
>Joshua_Sokol: BDERSTY G8 BY +24 103
#note Anybody prefer M2 TY(THE)D? I didn't see it. This does a great forking job.
>Sue_Tremblay: BILR M1 BLI...R +26 122
>Joshua_Sokol: DEERSTY 1M .EY +24 127
#note 2H RESTYL(E)D! I also considered DE(B)YE but I liked my leave far too much to gamble with 3 consonants.
>Sue_Tremblay: ?ILNSSS 10A SINLeSS +68 190
#note Cool.
>Joshua_Sokol: ADERRST E4 ARREST.D +82 209
#note This looked best, but maybe it gives back more than SERRAT(e)D or TREAD(e)RS.
>Sue_Tremblay: AEUV 8A UVEA. +27 217
>Joshua_Sokol: FINPPQT 4D Q.T +24 233
>Sue_Tremblay: EGINU A10 .UEING +24 241
#note Now I did hold this for a few seconds, because I didn't recognize it. I realized that I was playing against Sue Tremblay and that challenging a valid SUE word would be just as embarrassing as that time I challenged a HORN word, HORDEIN, against Judy Horn. This one is invalid :(
>Joshua_Sokol: AFIMNPP I9 PIMP +24 257
#note 2K FI(L)M is a pretty good alternative, although this sets up FA J10. I don't like the position I'm in here, the blank is going to be the deciding factor here.
>Sue_Tremblay: IKT 2K KI.T +20 261
>Joshua_Sokol: AFGNNOO J10 FA +30 287
#note Hoping she doesn't have the X bomb.
>Sue_Tremblay: AGO K11 GOA +20 281
#note Good thing I drew the blank, I would have been very scared at this point if I didn't.
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AGNNOO H12 ONO +9 296
#note Second time I missed (N)ONAGON this game. This time it would have been a game-winner. At least I can fearlessly set up points.
>Sue_Tremblay: CDEIT L8 CITED +35 316
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AEGMNU 10L .UG +8 304
#note Forking her.
>Sue_Tremblay: AW 9N AW +8 324
#note Good play.
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AEMNOR 8N MO +33 337
#note Third time this game I missed bingos. OARsMEN is the most prominent one, then MARO(O)NEd which I should have seen, ANtER(O)OM which I should have seen and AERON(O)MY. I didn't look long enough after she blocked what I initially saw, ENAMORs/TUGs.
>Sue_Tremblay: ADFO G12 FADO +23 347
#note Another pretty good play by Sue.
>Joshua_Sokol: ?ADENOR 1L O... +13 350
#note Simming better than anything else I see.
>Sue_Tremblay: INV 15D VIN. +11 358
>Joshua_Sokol: ?ADENRW H12 ...s +30 380
#note C7 W(E)N(N)iER is champ's play. Mine is 2 points off.
>Sue_Tremblay: EEILORX 14J ELIXOR +35 393
>Sue_Tremblay: EEILORX -- -35 358
#note I was fairly certain this was no good, but I had to challenge because if I didn't I didn't see a way to win.
>Joshua_Sokol: ADENRW 3F EN +5 385
#note 14K DAWN. This was really bad
>Sue_Tremblay: EEILORX 2A EXILER +35 393
>Joshua_Sokol: ADRW 14K DRAW +22 407
#note D(E)WAR...
>Joshua_Sokol: (O) +2 409
#note I really screwed up this game. I had the right ideas but I didn't use them to their full potential.