Player 1 |
#player1 Kolton_K Kolton K
#player2 Chris_G Chris G
>Kolton_K: BILNNNO 8E NINON +10 10
#note Two points less is more defensive.
>Chris_G: DHJOOTT 7H JOT +23 23
#note If I would have played NINON for 12, JOT would have been worth 37.
>Kolton_K: ABLPRTW K5 WRAPT +31 41
#note This and BRAWL sim pretty closely.
>Chris_G: ADHNOST 8K .HONS +42 65
>Kolton_K: BEELOSW 9H WEL. +25 66
#note Quackle doesn't like this very much. I thought it set up a nice S hook. 9H BES(T)OW for 46 is the star play.
>Chris_G: AAACDTT 6I CA.AT +19 84
>Kolton_K: AABEFOS 9M FA +20 86
#note Either this or M2 ABAF(T)
>Chris_G: ADILOTU 10F AULD +29 113
>Kolton_K: ABBEOSX 11D BOX +33 119
>Chris_G: ?DIIKOT 12C KOI +24 137
>Kolton_K: ?ABEESS O1 BASElES. +80 199
#note Q likes ABbESSE(S) a little better
>Chris_G: ?DEGITU E2 DEbUTI.G +68 205
#note This, DEpUTI(N)G, and DUETtI(N)G are the only bingos.
>Kolton_K: AINRVYZ N2 ZIN +50 249
>Chris_G: CDEEIIR C12 .ID +16 221
#note Wow! How did I miss 13C ID? I did think about just KI, which sims equally well, but was worried about plays on row 14. My play is about 6% back. I'm now 23% to win.
>Kolton_K: AILRTVY 2B AVI.LY +30 279
#note 3B LIV(E)RY and 3A VARI(E)TY sim a little better
>Chris_G: ACEEEIR 1G AREIC +26 247
>Kolton_K: EEIIRRT 14A TI.IER +18 297
#note H7 (JOWL)IER wins the sim. Q also likes C2 (V)ERITE, which I saw and passed up.
>Chris_G: EEHY A12 HY.E +42 289
>Kolton_K: AEFNORS J1 .F +13 310
#note Ugh. Forgot about FRENA, the obvious winner.
>Chris_G: Q 3M Q.. +24 313
>Kolton_K: AENOORS 5J O. +8 318
#note Q agrees with this.
>Chris_G: EEEGGLT 3G EGG +15 328
#note Sims best against a random rack. I wish there was a good way to play defense here, since he's obviously fishing, but nothing scores. This seemed like the best way to give me a shot at a comeback bingo.
>Kolton_K: AENORSU 13F ARENOUS +61 379
>Chris_G: EELMOTU 15E MEOU +25 353
#note 15F MOULT is better by 9.
>Kolton_K: DEMPRRV B1 V.MPED +18 397
>Chris_G: ELT 10M TEL +16 369
>Chris_G: (RR) +4 373 |