Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Darrell_Day Darrell Day
#player2 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
>Darrell_Day: AQT 8G QAT +24 24
>Matt_Canik: EMNSTTY J8 STY +27 27
#note Darrell just spilled two tiles out of the bag which is an overdraw by rule. I fpilled ober SUUY and put SY back in the bag. Since I know his rack is shitty, I decided I'd open up STYE since he very likely can't/shouldn't cash that in.
>Darrell_Day: DIUUV 9F VID +23 47
>Matt_Canik: CEEEMNT 11G CEMENT +27 54
#note Vid may imply that he's holding an A, so CEMENT 11I is a bad idea.
>Darrell_Day: GILUU 12L IGLU +16 63
>Matt_Canik: AAEKNOR E9 ANORAK +28 82
>Darrell_Day: EHRT H11 .THER +27 90
>Matt_Canik: BCEEFOP N10 CE.EB +30 112
#note Q prefers BEFO(R)E 12A by a couple points. I think this is going to do really fun things for the board though.
>Darrell_Day: ELUZ D11 LEZ +41 131
#note Nice play, Darrell
>Matt_Canik: AFIOOPR F13 PIA +29 141
#note AIRPROOF damnit
>Darrell_Day: ELRRU O11 R.LER +23 154
>Matt_Canik: FOORSUX I13 OX +25 166
>Darrell_Day: MPU D7 UMP +21 175
>Matt_Canik: FIOORSU 6B FURIOSO +78 244
>Darrell_Day: ?EGNOSV 5H GOVErNS +73 248
>Matt_Canik: AEINOUW M3 WA.ION +20 264
>Darrell_Day: DGO 5D GOD +27 275
>Matt_Canik: ABDELSU 8L U.BE +21 285
#note 11/23 unseen are bvowels, so I think it's probably a good idea to score more and keep less vowels.Darrell is also very unlikely to give me a bingo line right now because that's how he plays. BA(A)ED is a neat option I didn't see, though he can hit cheap plays on the TWS a lot after that.
>Darrell_Day: EO 15H .OE +13 288
>Matt_Canik: ADELNST 14H ..ALT +18 303
#note Still think it's really important to run with the points here. LEA(S)Y scores the most of any options here but that gives him back so many cheap points that I can't do that.
>Darrell_Day: IN N5 .NI. +14 302
>Matt_Canik: DEIJNSW 4G JEW +24 327
#note I thought it was a tough call here between JIS(M) and JEW. I picked JEW because, barring bingos through/from that F, I think JEW wins me the game almost all the time. JISM leaves me with DENW which may make it hard to deal with setups he makes. Q thinks JISM is much better.
>Darrell_Day: AY L2 YA +10 312
>Matt_Canik: ADFINST K1 FAST.D +21 348
#note I can't completely negate the YA spot, but I think that this does the best job at winning games:
I definitely lose when H is unseen (he bingos through the F).
I definitely lose when an I is in the bag (he plays (F)RIED and I have IIN, which I can't go out with).
The R and blank are almost definitely not in the bag, but I'll win if I draw either of them.
I win if I draw an E (NEIF in two spots).
I win if I draw an A (NAIF in two spots).
I win if I draw the D (DIN(ER)) or (F)IND).

Q says FAD in the same spot also wins 62.50%, and I'd imagine the same tiles yield the same results. Champ player is not listing this among its options but I don't think my calculations are off.
>Darrell_Day: ?ADEIIR B2 AERI.IeD +72 384
#note Well I tried.
Fun fact: In my 11 tournament games against Darrell, I have 4 blanks, including one game where I double-blanked him. That means Darrell has double-blanked me in 8 of the 11 games we've played.
I'm 3-7-1 against Darrell. For that blank ratio, I'm happy with those results.
>Darrell_Day: (HIN) +12 396
Player 2
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