Player 1 |
#player1 Risa_Horowitz Risa Horowitz
#player2 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
>Risa_Horowitz: DGIRY 8H RIDGY +28 28
>Matthew_Larocque: ABEGIIL G8 BIALI +21 21
#note Phony, as I suspected. Also considered BAILE(Y). Forgot about BEIG(Y) and BI(G)GIE.
>Risa_Horowitz: JLOT L4 JOLT. +30 58
>Matthew_Larocque: BDEGHIO 11E OB.IGED +44 65
#note Glad I eventually found this, almost settled on F9 OH.
>Risa_Horowitz: IKNO M2 IKON +27 85
>Matthew_Larocque: AHNOUUW N2 NAW +35 100
#note Sheesh, WAU(G)H is killer. Beats the crap out of any other play. NAW is kinda dangerous with the terribad leave on my rack.
>Risa_Horowitz: AEEGLSU O4 LEAGUES +92 177
#note :/
>Matthew_Larocque: HLOOUUY 10J YOU +30 130
>Risa_Horowitz: ?EIMNNR M9 IRoNMEN +75 252
#note >_<
>Matthew_Larocque: FFHLOUZ 12B HUFF +31 161
#note I actually thought about *FUZ(E)L for awhile. It was only game 4 geez, I wasn't even getting tired yet. I was aware of the disaster potential here, but I gotta risk it and hope for ZA/ZA next turn.
>Risa_Horowitz: AQT 13A QAT +33 285
>Matthew_Larocque: ADELOTZ N6 ZA +65 226
>Risa_Horowitz: ?AAORTV 14C AViATOR +64 349
#note Poop. Nail in the coffin, etc.....
>Matthew_Larocque: ADELOPT I2 PETALO.D +65 291
#note I was so disappointed that she blocked TADPOLE with her own bingo. So I went to work and eventually found this alternative. I didn't even notice the other spot for TADPOLE!
>Risa_Horowitz: CCII H13 C.I +15 364
>Risa_Horowitz: CCII -- -15 349
#note She said she had 2 cees 2 Is and some other vowels like an O I think. She would have missed ICO(N)IC in that case. This was the ridiculous break I needed.
>Matthew_Larocque: EEHNRSW 15H HEW +44 335
>Risa_Horowitz: CCIIOOU -CIOU +0 349
>Matthew_Larocque: DENRSSU 3D RUDEN.SS +60 395
#note I could not believe my luck here - absurd.
>Risa_Horowitz: CIO H1 CO.I +28 377
>Matthew_Larocque: CIMRRVX 6F VIR. +15 410
#note Noooooo, how could I miss that hook.
>Risa_Horowitz: EEIOPST C3 POETISE +96 473
>Risa_Horowitz: EEIOPST -- -96 377
#note I was stunned here. I thought I blew the game because I never even considered potential hooks to RUDENESS. I challenge because I feel like I have to, just in case.
>Matthew_Larocque: ACEMRTX 2A CAREX +39 449
#note Seriously, she just told me how I could score 68 points here. Wake up Matt. One of the prizes is high combined score, and she would have followed up C3 CAREX with something like TOPE for big points. It would have ended up 500ish to 440ish instead.
>Risa_Horowitz: EEIOPST A13 .IS +36 413
#note She misses E(IKON) too.
>Matthew_Larocque: EEMNT A2 .EMENT +13 462
>Matthew_Larocque: (EEOPT) +14 476
#note This felt like deja-vu - when I played Risa in Regina 2 years ago I made a huge comeback on her as well. Crazy game all around.