Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Eric_Tran Eric Tran
#player2 Rafi_Stern Rafi Stern
>Eric_Tran: HIORRTT 8H TROTH +24 24
>Rafi_Stern: EGOY J6 GO.EY +21 21
>Eric_Tran: CDEIIRU H3 DIURE.IC +62 86
>Rafi_Stern: AJ 6F JA. +26 47
>Eric_Tran: AAEEINV E5 NAEVI +27 113
>Rafi_Stern: AFILNST 4F TA.LFINS +72 119
>Eric_Tran: ??AELOP M3 E.POusAL +76 189
#note miscored as 75. NEOPHILIA is the only 9 available. My decision was between this and ESPANOL for 5 more. ESPANOL offers back and a dangerous 4 overlap TLS. They seemed similar for defense and board shape. Maybe should take the pts then.
>Rafi_Stern: EEGLRSU 11B REGLUES +78 197
>Eric_Tran: DEIORXY N5 EX +54 243
>Rafi_Stern: DKNSU O1 DUNKS +50 247
>Eric_Tran: CDEIORY B10 C.YER +32 275
#note star play is DIOECY N9 (or DIO(E)CY C8. I definitely need to keep a better leave. Sim says A(Y) should also work well.
>Rafi_Stern: WZ K3 W.Z +30 277
#note Result of my poor leave
>Eric_Tran: AADIOOR A12 ODOR +29 304
#note Result of my pool leave
>Rafi_Stern: BEILMSU 1H SUBLIME. +92 369
>Eric_Tran: AAEGHIO N9 HOAGIE +33 337
>Rafi_Stern: ADIIO K10 OIDIA +17 386
>Eric_Tran: AABMNTV C13 BAM +29 366
#note Sim likes VAN in the same spot. It's looking pretty dire for me; I strongly considered MANTA 3B to set up a QI draw. But, this brings me close enough that QAT at N13 or O8 might be enough to catch up
>Rafi_Stern: IQRT F10 Q.IRT +36 422
>Eric_Tran: AAENNTV O8 VAT +27 393
#note should look for an out in two. duh.
>Rafi_Stern: EFNOPTW J13 OFT +29 451
>Eric_Tran: AENN L11 NE +12 405
>Rafi_Stern: ENPW 15G WEP. +27 478
>Eric_Tran: AN 3F AN. +10 415
>Eric_Tran: (N) +2 417
Player 2
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