Game Details
Player 1
#player1 KC KC
#player2 Jack Jack
>KC: NOOSZ H4 ZOONS +48 48
>Jack: DEEINUV 7G U.VEINED +68 68
>KC: EEHRW 6J WHERE +48 96
>Jack: ILNRRSU 8E URN. +6 74
#note Costly play here - both time-wise and quality-wise. There are like 50 plays better than mine. I wasn't 100% on NURL(ED), but I don't know why I talked myself out of RUIN(ED) or INUR(ED). I have the S and I liked keeping the O column a possibility, I suppose. Champ Player likes (V)IRL. Maybe I'll post this position to Facebook.
#note i could've ruined this
>Jack: CIILNRS E5 SIL.RIC +36 110
#note Mixed up with SILURID, SILURIAN. Probably would've played zincs if I hadn't gone with this phony.
>KC: AOT 5J OAT +27 165
>Jack: AAEEKNT D4 KEA +18 128
#note Didn't know KETEN(E), I liked KEA at D4 over I2 (an additional point) because I wanted to create a new lane, though it's not much of one since AI only takes the R. I also like TAKE at D4 since it scores much more healthily and creates a lane on column C (that takes a lot more hooks than AI).
>KC: EO N2 OE +10 175
>Jack: AEGNOTU 11B GUA.O +8 136
#note Don't know why I didn't do GOA at I2. Champ player likes other things anyways like GAUNT(ER) or AUG(ER). Guaco sacrifices too many points.
>KC: AIQ C10 Q.AI +26 201
>Jack: ABEINOT 12F NIOBATE +72 208
>Jack: BDLLRVW 6B BR..D +18 226
#note as soon as i thought I was back in it, i draw BDLLRVW and she bingoes.

should've exchanged.
>KC: ADIM 11I AMID +29 303
>Jack: LLOPUVW 3K VOW.. +22 248
#note oh wolver is so so much better in so many ways - score, leave, creation of lane. I didn't know wolver.
>KC: AFT 10I FAT +26 329
>Jack: CEJLLPU -CPLLUJ +0 248
#note Of course now when I do exch, Quackle doesn't want me to. All of champ player's suggestions keep J in the leave... Why is LUC(K) at 4A so good? Cause it sets up JELL?
>KC: X 12C .X +36 365
>Jack: EEGGIMT 15G MEG +31 279
#note Wanted to keep the M for MA[D,T](ZOONS) (with a blank as the A), but MEG seemed too correct to pass up. However champ player offers a few other possibilities like (RE)GIME M6, or TEGG 15G. Also METE and MEET are up there (keeping GGI). Not sure.
>KC: FY C5 F.Y +19 384
>Jack: CEGIINT G7 ..CI +9 288
#note Not good. Not really sure what to say... wanted to keep the N lane open for the (26) 9's ending in ING i guess.
>KC: D G12 .D.. +9 393
>Jack: EGINPTY H1 EPI..... +57 345
#note This is the second time i've gotten away with epizoons. The first time I didn't know it was phony. This time I was hoping KC would know epizoon but not that it doesn't take an S, or that she would figure it's not worth the risk to challenge.
>KC: IJLLPTU 1E JUL.P +14 407
>Jack: ??GLNTY M9 LYes +22 367
#note :P i drew L??

So I thought I was being clever by blocking both her outs, but taking the points for siNGLY(13J) or GuYoT(2B) or GYroN(2B) is better... also GLosT at the same location as LYes (which also blocks her outs) is better.

>KC: ILT I1 .IT +13 420
>Jack: GNT 2H ..G +10 377
#note G(O)T(TEN) L2
>KC: L J9 L... +6 426
>KC: (NT) +4 430
#note I didn't play well this game, but it was enjoyable at the same time because there were so many interesting positions. A lot of critical mistakes like missing wolver, nurled, exchanging at the wrong time, and going over by 3 minutes lol. Ugh.
Player 2
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