Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Conrad Conrad
>Noah: AACDELO H4 COALA +20 20
#note COALED is also good.
>Conrad: AEGORRR 4H .ARGO +16 16
#note ROGER I6 is another good option.
>Noah: DDEFGKW 6G G.WKED +25 45
>Conrad: BDEORRU 8H .RBOURED +86 102
>Noah: ABDEFOT 3I BOATED +38 83
>Conrad: ILMNUVV K8 .VUM +18 120
>Noah: CFIINTU L11 UNFIT +22 105
>Conrad: EEILNOV 15G VIOLE. +27 147
#note Too many Is and esses make this good compared to VOILE.
>Noah: CFINOTU 2H COFT +40 145
#note Wasn't sure about OF. Didn't love it after Conrad had played off 9 in the last couple turns and I am playing off two. Getting turnover for SSSS?? seems good here as well.
>Conrad: ADEEENQ H12 QAD. +24 171
>Noah: INNORUY 2M YOU +23 168
>Conrad: EEEINRY 13H .ERI.Y +26 197
>Noah: HIIINNR -HIIIN +0 168
#note Gotta play HIN. I need to write more hooks down on my scoresheet! I didn't write down HARBOURED even though I thought of it, and thus forgot it later in the game.
>Conrad: EEEIMNZ N6 ZE. +32 229
>Noah: ?AEENRS 1L EARN +31 199
#note A sim likes O8 plays but this seems like a good choice to me. Scoring 31 is pretty strong on this board, especially since row 1 is probably the most potent spot, and I'm taking it away.
>Conrad: EEIJMNN O8 .JINN +14 243
>Noah: ?EIISSX N10 XI +52 251
>Conrad: AEEEGMR J10 ME +25 268
>Noah: ?AEHISS 9B cHAISES +72 323
>Conrad: AEEGNRS E4 ANERG.ES +86 354
>Noah: ?EHILPW D1 WHIP +40 363
#note Is there a better option here?
>Conrad: IILPSTT C8 S.ILPIT +24 378
>Noah: ?AELNOT C1 OATs +24 387
#note In a rush, I miscounted this and thought it was better than TrOWEL. It ties. ARGH!
>Conrad: T 1B T.. +6 384
>Conrad: (ELN) +6 390
Player 2
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