Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jason_Li Jason Li
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Jason_Li: ALNOR 8E LORAN +10 10
#note Club game with Jason. I like this placement. Not a big deal if it isn't best.
>Joshua_Sokol: ABEFITW 9C WAIF +21 21
#note I didn't consider BEFIT 7F. It's a whole lot of points. But maybe I prefer leave here. I thought BET was worth more than .4 though. It is the only play that has a positive leave, at least.
>Jason_Li: DRSUY I7 U.DRY +12 22
#note Lol it's no good... Nice. That's a phony I need to remember from now on. I inferred an S, and it left me with a good play, so due to my uncertainty challenging is wrong. This must be a common phony.
>Joshua_Sokol: BEHJTTU 11E JUTT. +30 51
#note I considered BUTTE, but if I draw another E I have (T)HEBE next turn. I think this is clearly a better play. I don't want to give him any floaters if I don't have to anyway.
>Jason_Li: AKOS 10B KOA +24 46
>Joshua_Sokol: BEEEHLQ H11 .HEBE +42 93
#note Don't think there's any debate here.
>Jason_Li: ISZ 14H .IZ +34 80
>Joshua_Sokol: EEELQUX 13H .X +34 127
#note I thought EEELQU was better than EEEQU, but it isn't. Weird. I would think keeping another consonant is very useful here. I also considered LUXE K11 to take his highest-scoring lane from him and hopefully have a Q(U) play next turn, as I highly doubted he would take the spot. I decided to play it a bit safer for me and a bit less dangerously I guess.
>Jason_Li: RUY E11 .URY +14 94
>Joshua_Sokol: EEELMQU 14B QUE. +32 159
#note Not sure if QUEE(R) 13A is better here. I prefer the leave but I would have to worry about an easy QAT or maybe a disastrous FAQIR. The upside is that I have the last U, so it's not too dangerous to play QUEER. If he scores with either though, I'm happy, since that means he isn't bingoing.
>Jason_Li: AEIMNSS 6C INSEAMS +71 165
#note He knew SAMISEN, I guess he just missed the spot for it. SEMINA(R)S G2 is less defensive, as are the other options that score more except K9 SAMISEN. I held, as I didn't know INSEAMS or SAMISEN.
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEGLMN K8 MELANGE +85 244
#note I hesitated to play this, but courageously laid it down. He held it for a while and let it slide. It's good. I didn't know its anagram, GLEEMAN.
>Jason_Li: CEOP E2 COPE. +18 183
#note I thought I could infer an S here, but he didn't have one. Ballsy move that worked out well in the end.
>Joshua_Sokol: EHOORVV L4 HOOVER +33 277
#note I almost just played HOOVE*, but luckily I laid the R down too. I wanted to draw something, a blank or an S, so I think this is clearly better than 8K (M)OVER. In hindsight it may have been useful to keep the H to score/partially block high scoring S(COPES) plays.
>Jason_Li: AEEGOT M9 GOATEE +24 207
#note I was really surprised by this play, since it meant he didn't have an S or even a blank. I hadn't drawn any after HOOVER and I was starting to get a bit scared.
>Joshua_Sokol: DDIILOV K2 VIOL +23 300
#note I played this to partially block some S(COPES) bingos. It may not have been the right play. I wasn't quite sure what to do. I missed VOID 8N, which is pretty nice, and DI(P)LOID, for more shots at SS??.
>Jason_Li: IST 15A TI +17 224
#note Jason just kept an S here, and he drew S? after TI. Sick.
>Joshua_Sokol: ADDFIOR N9 OF +31 331
#note Oh sick, N10 FIORD for 59. No question. I actually had just seen FIORD on another board that same night and remembered that it was valid. Bad, bad miss. I also forgot about the (ERGO)T hook, and thought that GOATEED was invalid. Probably my worst play of the game.
>Jason_Li: ?EINSST O7 SITtENS +82 306
#note Well, that's two phonies that he managed against me. I knew SITTEN, and I rightly thought that it was a conjugation of SIT but I wasn't about to challenge, since he had many other spots to bingo for about as many.
>Joshua_Sokol: AADDILR 2K .ALID +18 349
#note I wanted to block his easiest shot at a bingo down lane N, but this is probably bad since it allows for plays such as BETA L1. The sim wants me to play RADI(C)AL but ain't no way I'm playing that. Next in line is AL(O)DIA, which is alright. None of these plays block the N column though, but I guess row 3 and 2 are possibilities as well. My play is 10th, it's the last play that wins more than 60% of the time.
>Jason_Li: ?BCGPTW C13 C.P +19 325
#note B(LO)W, B(LO)C and 12D C(U)P are doing better than this. He said he played this so he could have a better chance of outscoring. The sim prefers T(U)P in the same spot, but then I would know he didn't have a bingo. After CUP there is still likely to be bingos in the unseen pool from my perspective. I therefore disagree with Quackle. This was a difficult decision for Jason and I think he made the correct play.
>Joshua_Sokol: ADDINRR 2B RAN.ID +22 371
#note This was a difficult move for me too, as there were many bingos in the bag. I played this knowing he still had BESTING or BASTING C1. I thought it was my best shot, as I felt I needed both to block bingos and score. I didn't see ANDR(O)ID 3A, which is very close to RANCID, and INDRI C2, which blocks all of his bingos but might lose to BETA L1 or something of that scoring nature. After 4000 iterations (many ply), 3A ANDR(O)ID is at 70,69%, RAN(C)ID is at 70,47% and INDR(I) is at 66,66%. I'm surprised I made the correct play.
>Jason_Li: ?BGINTW 1F BeWIG +36 361
#note I was pretty happy to have drawn AE... Best play, followed by an awesome B(I)gWIG N1 and a sick I(N)ToW(N) D1.
>Joshua_Sokol: ADER 4B DRA.E +16 387
#note Unfortunately I wasn't 100% with ADDER. -8.
>Joshua_Sokol: (NT) +4 391
#note Crazy game. I can't believe I pulled it off with no blanks or esses.
Player 2
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