Player 1 |
#player1 Matthew_O'Connor Matthew O'Connor
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Matthew_O'Connor: DDGNRUU H6 DRUG +12 12
#note I have some of his racks this time around. It's hard to choose between this and DUG.
>Joshua_Sokol: EFLRTTV 8F FL.TTER +11 11
#note Apparently this play was wrong. I thought it was pretty good... VEL(D)T or exchange FLTV are winning the sim.
>Matthew_O'Connor: ADEINUW 6F WU. +15 27
#note UNAWED/AFLUTTER, cool.
>Joshua_Sokol: EHINOUV 5C VINO +19 30
#note Not that good of a play either...
>Matthew_O'Connor: ADEIINN 4D AIN +18 45
>Joshua_Sokol: AEHLPUY M8 YUP +23 53
#note LAYUP, same spot. I missed it, and tried to shoot a 3. Oh and of course it's 5 more points with AFLUTTER. I also didn't know PHYLAE, another contender, and I think YUP is better than YAUP.
>Matthew_O'Connor: DEEINNR J6 IN.ERNED +63 108
>Joshua_Sokol: AEHILTW 12H WH.AT +30 83
>Matthew_O'Connor: AADEJMZ N10 AMAZED +46 154
#note L2 JEMADA(R) seems safer. I didn't know it either.
>Joshua_Sokol: BEIILNS 15L BI.I +30 113
#note I hate being this close to a bingo, especially against Matthew, since I know my time is an issue.
>Matthew_O'Connor: EIIJLSU 3E JEU +28 182
#note F8 (F)UJI for sure.
>Joshua_Sokol: BEILNST O8 BIN +20 133
#note Oops, didn't realize LIB/NIB O10 score more...
>Matthew_O'Connor: EIL H12 .ILE +21 203
>Joshua_Sokol: AEGLRST 15C LEGAT.RS +60 193
>Joshua_Sokol: AEGLRST -- -60 133
#note I was fed up with my almost bingo racks and I confused this with NEGATERS.
>Matthew_O'Connor: CO 14F CO. +11 214
>Joshua_Sokol: AEGLRST 12N .G +5 138
#note I guess 13G G(I)E(D).
>Matthew_O'Connor: IS 10H SI. +10 224
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AELRST L1 StARTLE. +66 204
#note What a stupid draw.
>Matthew_O'Connor: EHMR 1H HERM. +30 254
>Joshua_Sokol: CDGNTTV 3K V.NG +16 220
#note OK, an actually stupid draw.
>Matthew_O'Connor: AFS O1 FAS +27 281
#note I also forgot that I should infer an S after SIR. So maybe I should have just exchanged 'em all.
>Joshua_Sokol: ?CDRTTY G13 T.D +11 231
#note I never really know what to do in situations where I can't actually open the board and I kind of need to. Sim is liking F8 FRY.
>Matthew_O'Connor: AO 13M A.O +27 308
>Joshua_Sokol: ?CEKOTY F8 .OY +17 248
#note F8 FYKE, weird four that I didn't remember. It's really the only decent option.
>Matthew_O'Connor: AEL I12 .EAL +24 332
>Joshua_Sokol: ?CEKOTX 6L .OX +26 274
#note Oh crap, C5 VOX. Totally the play.
>Matthew_O'Connor: S F8 ...S +10 342
#note Trying not to draw the Q or trying to draw the I.
>Joshua_Sokol: ?CEEKRT E11 EKE +18 292
#note I'm staring dumbfounded at my screen right now in the sight of my missed bingo. C4 K(V)ETChER. Go figure. Holy shit. I only lose if I draw the Q.
>Matthew_O'Connor: AEIOOPQ 5N OP +13 355
#note -5 to PEA(K) or PAI(K).
>Joshua_Sokol: ?CORT 1G T..... +11 303
#note C2 COR(V)ET, C5 (V)iCTOR/ (V)eCTOR, and playing CROA(K)/CROC(K) CROO(K) first are better. -13
>Matthew_O'Connor: AEIOQ K3 .OE +18 373
#note -2 to OA(K).
>Joshua_Sokol: ?COR 12A CROa. +26 329
#note KVETCHER. Unbelievable.
>Joshua_Sokol: (AIQ) +24 353