Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Kevin_Bowerman Kevin Bowerman
#player2 Marilyn_Pomeroy Marilyn Pomeroy
>Kevin_Bowerman: NNOOUYY 8G YOU +12 12
>Marilyn_Pomeroy: EOV 9E VOE +13 13
>Kevin_Bowerman: BGNNOTY 7G BY +26 38
#note Didn't know goby and toby, this sims about 8 points worse.
>Marilyn_Pomeroy: ADR J8 RAD +15 28
>Kevin_Bowerman: CGNNORT K5 CORN +20 58
>Marilyn_Pomeroy: ?ACDESU 4G ACcUSED +81 109
#note Scored as 72?
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEGGLNT 5D GANG +15 73
>Marilyn_Pomeroy: MNW 6J M.WN +15 124
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEILNTZ H1 ZIN. +45 118
>Marilyn_Pomeroy: AMN 4C NAM +20 144
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEEFLLT 3A LEAF +25 143
#note FETAL

>Marilyn_Pomeroy: JOT A1 JO.T +36 180
>Kevin_Bowerman: GHLQT 2G L.GHT +17 160
#note Don't remember the other tiles.
>Marilyn_Pomeroy: PT 2A .PT +21 201
>Kevin_Bowerman: EEEIQRV E7 RE.IVE +24 184
>Marilyn_Pomeroy: F 10E .F +26 227
>Kevin_Bowerman: AIQ M1 QAI. +28 212
#note Can't remember the other tiles.

>Marilyn_Pomeroy: IKRT 8A TRIK. +42 269
>Kevin_Bowerman: BEINOSW B7 B.OWNIES +92 304
>Marilyn_Pomeroy: HIPS A12 PHIS +50 319
#note Scored as 47.

>Kevin_Bowerman: ?EEELOX C12 EX +49 353
>Marilyn_Pomeroy: ATU 1M .UA +36 355
#note She put down (q)at first
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?EEILOS 11G OILSEEd +67 420
#note This is the lowest scoring bingo available, behind e(u)loGise/e(u)loGies and (n)oVelise/(n)oseliKe

>Marilyn_Pomeroy: DIIT L10 T.IID +12 367
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEOORRT 13E ROOT +18 438
#note Wow, I suck, I didn't even think of bingoing. Besides toreador, this is best...
>Marilyn_Pomeroy: ADEELU 14F DEAL +20 387
>Kevin_Bowerman: AER 15H EAR +20 458
#note Recorded score 462-375
>Kevin_Bowerman: (EU) +4 462
Player 2
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