Player 1 |
#player1 Seth_Lipkin Seth Lipkin
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Seth_Lipkin: CDELMTT 8G MELT +12 12
#note Seth told me that this was his rack here. You'll see what he draws... I thought that he had kept the S here.
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEGNOZ 9C ZONAE +30 30
#note AZO(T)E seems better here. I actually missed it. I prefer keeping GE to GN and playing ZONAE because the N is on the board afterward, as well as many other consonants. I really didn't like ZE(T)A, but it's winning the sim. My play is looking bad.
>Seth_Lipkin: ACDEOST K5 COASTED +97 109
#note Yes, he actually just drew AEOS. :(
>Joshua_Sokol: EEGILRT 10H GLE.TIER +63 93
#note GREE(N)LIT was what I was looking for. I just couldn't find it. Mistake number 2.
>Seth_Lipkin: OX 10E OX +52 161
>Joshua_Sokol: DIIIORW L10 .ORII +13 106
#note Maybe WI(Z) for volatility purposes, but that doesn't seem like it would ever work in my favor. The sim likes W(E)IRDO keeping II, IRID 11B or exchanging.
>Seth_Lipkin: DEGNOT 11B TONGED +34 195
>Joshua_Sokol: DIQTVWY M9 Q. +21 127
#note I just completely missed DI(R)TY and WI(R)Y, and noticed thereafter.
>Seth_Lipkin: ?AEEFRU 7A FERUlAE +67 262
>Joshua_Sokol: DFITVWY A5 WI.TY +42 169
#note FVD is a lot better than WVD. Didn't know that.
>Seth_Lipkin: ACEHILS O7 CHA.LIES +92 354
#note Oh, cool. :P
>Joshua_Sokol: ADFNUVV 14K V.VA. +22 191
#note what am I supposed to do?
>Seth_Lipkin: HIK 6F KHI +45 399
>Joshua_Sokol: DEFNOPU C1 FOUNDE. +22 213
#note Would B2 DEPONE ever work? Maybe just IF/FE for 26? I don't know.
>Seth_Lipkin: EIL 1A LI.E +24 423
>Joshua_Sokol: GNNPRTU 6J P.NG +13 226
#note Right, NOGG. PUG 12C is clearly a better choice I think.
>Seth_Lipkin: AEJN 12A JANE +46 469
#note Cool.
>Joshua_Sokol: DNOORTU 2B D.NUT +24 250
#note OROTUND 13A. Whoa. That's 5700 prob and I've never seen it. That would have been sick! I also missed ROTUND in the same spot and JUDO. It's safe to say I didn't make the best play here.
>Seth_Lipkin: AAIRWY 1F AIRWAY +38 507
#note So the blank was in the bag. Damn, I might have pulled some crazy comeback or something. Seth tells me he was fishing for LIFEWAYS, which means that he at least kept WY with JANE. Jeez...
>Joshua_Sokol: AIMOORS 2J MOIRA +41 291
#note I thought he had blocked AMOROSI*, which is no good. Good thing he blocked... This was the best endgame for me at least.
>Seth_Lipkin: ?BBPRSU O1 SiBB +37 544
#note JiBB or BoBS 13B are 3 points better than SiBB. He didn't track correctly.
>Joshua_Sokol: OS C9 .O..S +28 319
#note Final score was recorded at 536-329, since Seth underscored COASTED by 10 and overscored JANE by 2.
>Joshua_Sokol: (PRU) +10 329