Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Bnjy Bnjy
#player2 Joel_Sherman Joel Sherman
>Bnjy: EELMNOT 8D MELTON +22 22
#note briefly considered telemon* and then remembered i'm playing Joel and that crap isn't going to fly.
>Joel_Sherman: FNRT H6 FR.NT +8 8
#note what's joel up to?
>Bnjy: EEEPSTT 10E SEP.ETTE +64 86
#note Yes! Thank you touhou!!!
>Joel_Sherman: CORTU H6 .....COURT +48 56
>Bnjy: CDEGIKN - +0 86
#note Okay, seriously... I challened frontcourt because it looked like a woadwage play... A sick find by Joel.
>Joel_Sherman: ?EILSTX 15H .EXTILeS +95 151
#note Joel spent a while on this play because he hated what it gave back.
>Bnjy: CDEGIKN 13G D.CKING +40 126
#note Yeesh... decking does take the s.
>Joel_Sherman: EIRVW O10 WIVER. +16 167
>Bnjy: EEIOQUY K6 EQUI.Y +36 162
#note or fique.
>Joel_Sherman: BDII L4 BIDI +28 195
>Bnjy: AADEFOY J4 OAF +29 191
>Joel_Sherman: AAGP E4 AGAP. +16 211
>Bnjy: AAAADEY 9G A.A +15 206
#note Attack of the a's! I played this because i figured i would score at either D4 or F6 next turn, whichever Joel didn't use
>Joel_Sherman: GNOU 4C GU.NO +12 223
#note thankfully for me Joel is drawing crap
>Bnjy: AADERWY 3G YAW +26 232
>Joel_Sherman: EU 14H .UE +26 249
>Bnjy: AADEERV C3 A.AVE +20 252
>Joel_Sherman: EHH 11C HEH +28 277
>Bnjy: DEIMNOR 12B DIMER +35 287
>Joel_Sherman: BJOS H1 BO.S +29 306
#note Joel told me he kept the j here
>Bnjy: ?DILNOZ 13A ZONeD +55 342
#note This position is a nightmare. I'm open to any and all suggestions, but I'll just list a few of my thoughts:
I figured that Joel was unlikely to have the J after boas. I also didn't think there was much I could do about a bingo and I thought that joel was fairly likely to outrun me if I didn't draw my own bingo after zin M3 (not actually the case.) I also figured that if joel ended up having the J, he would be able to either make a big J play or a play like zoo/zoa, but not both, and I would be able to outrun him, and if he didn't have the J and didn't have a bingo, then I would outrun him anyways after he plays zoo/zoa. Thoughts anyone??? It seems like zin is the play here, as Joel and I discussed and acccording to the sim, but I'm not sure.
>Joel_Sherman: AIJLNOS M2 JOINS +38 344
#note Best, blocking my out of broiler and saving ar A14 for next turn while also threatening multiple other outs.
>Bnjy: EILORR N1 ROE +26 368
>Joel_Sherman: AL 14A AL +23 367
>Joel_Sherman: (ILR) +6 373
Player 2
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