Player 1 |
#player1 Komol Komol
#player2 Noah Noah
>Komol: IIII -IIII +0 0
>Noah: ACLORTU 8D CUATRO +22 22
>Komol: EOYZ D8 .OZEY +38 38
>Noah: CEHLNNS F6 CH.NNELS +71 93
>Komol: ?EIMOOR H1 bROOMIE. +80 118
>Noah: AGINOXY I3 XI +36 129
#note There are actually three places to play OXY here, and I didn't really think about any of them. And they're all probably better than what I played.
>Komol: BEELOSU 10F .EBULOSE +62 180
>Noah: AAGGNOY C11 YOGA +26 155
>Komol: EENTU H10 .UTENE +27 207
>Noah: AGIMNPT 6B IMPA.T.NG +72 227
>Komol: ADESV B8 DEVAS +29 236
>Noah: DEEFFHW A7 FEW +41 268
#note HEW is a little better because of the FF synergy. Cool.
>Komol: AJR E3 RAJ. +22 258
>Noah: DEFHOPT 11K FOH +35 303
>Komol: IQS 15A QIS +45 303
>Noah: ADEIPTT D1 PEAT +24 327
#note After thinking about quite a few choices here, it came down to PEAT vs. OXIDATE. I just couldn't justify being so aggressive. Quackle likes OXIDATE, for what that's worth, and it does get a little closer to the blank. Hm.
>Komol: ADIRV L6 ADVI..R +30 333
>Noah: DIILNOT N11 NITID +22 349
#note I figured I probably am going to need the blank to win so I played to get the best chance at it. I can see myself winning without the blank I suppose, though it's not too likely. IDOL J1 is probably better than this, just because it keeps better while also not opening the triple for scoring.
>Komol: AAIL 8K A.AIL +24 357
>Noah: ?EKLORW 3C W..K +22 371
#note Aaaand I make a horrible error. I did 9-7 = 3 or some nonsense, thinking there were three in the bag even thought I knew BDEGINRTU was the pool. If I had known I would've played WaLKER M1 or KA 14B as we discussed after the game. But no.
>Komol: BDINRTU 15K BUN.T +27 384
>Noah: ?EEGLOR 1H .EGLOwER +74 445
>Noah: ?EEGLOR -- -74 371
#note And I still messed up the game! I didn't see any winning plays, so I looked to find a bingo, going 4 minutes over. It seemed like GROPE would have to be best. But no! ELOPER ties it by not setting up GRID. Komol could've won with DRIP or BURP. I tried this because I thought it could be good.
>Komol: DIR 1A DRI. +61 445
#note Komol got more points thanks to time.
>Komol: (?EEGLOR) +14 459