Player 1 |
#player1 Stefan_Fatsis Stefan Fatsis
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Stefan_Fatsis: ACHTW 8D WATCH +34 34
#note Stefan said here that he was debating giving me OUTWATCH or WATCHING/WATCHERS. I think this is far better due to defense and because WATCHMEN/WATCHMAN, WATCHCRY, WATCHFUL and WATCHOUT are good as well! :)
>Joshua_Sokol: EEIOOTU 8A OUT..... +48 48
#note I was getting ready to throw almost all of this crap into the bag. Thankfully I didn't have to.
>Stefan_Fatsis: IQZ B7 Q.IZ +42 76
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEEEIO 10B .OEAE +16 64
#note This isn't looking good for me, unfortunately.
>Stefan_Fatsis: FIR 11D RIF +23 99
>Joshua_Sokol: BDEEGIO 12A GIBED +32 96
#note BIOG here is interesting. Defense-wise it's not that good, at least compared to GIBED, but keeping a consonant is always nice.
>Stefan_Fatsis: OOP A12 .OOP +21 120
>Joshua_Sokol: EEIJLMO F6 JO. +26 122
#note Wow, EILMO is that much better than EEILM? I was going by the general EE>EO rule...
>Stefan_Fatsis: ?DGILOS H1 GOLDfIS. +92 212
#note Great find here.
>Joshua_Sokol: EEILMUW B14 WE +24 146
#note Drawing UW like a boss.
>Stefan_Fatsis: AETX 4D TAXE. +26 238
>Joshua_Sokol: EILMOUU -MULUOI +0 146
#note I did not know EULO(G)IUM. Jeez. So it was winnable... I think this was mostly an impulsive exchange because I was frustrated with what I was drawing, and I wanted an S or a blank. There are plays that are fine here.
>Stefan_Fatsis: OV F2 VO. +21 259
>Joshua_Sokol: AADEENY 5D AY +22 168
#note What else can I do here?
>Stefan_Fatsis: AC 3E C.A. +18 277
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEELNV C12 .LED +26 194
#note AELV>AENV, and LL vs. NNNNN in the bag, therefore BEND is the superior play. Maybe I should go with (I)NVADE 6H...
>Stefan_Fatsis: ?ABENNR 5H .iBRANNE +66 343
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEGNUV - +0 194
#note I had never seen this word before. I considered playing UNGRAVED* (which I thought was good) but I think I needed to challenge here due to me not knowing this word at all.
>Stefan_Fatsis: AEFL 4L LEAF +39 382
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEGNUV M2 AV..GED +26 220
#note For a second I thought I had UNAV(EN)GED here, but nope. I think I should play something that heeps GN here.
>Stefan_Fatsis: EPRR O1 PRE..R +33 415
>Joshua_Sokol: KMNNOTU 2J KUN. +18 238
#note MONK N7 here? I didn't know KOM(B)U, but that blocks lanes I need.
>Stefan_Fatsis: IN 8M .IN +12 427
>Joshua_Sokol: EMNNOTT G11 TON +11 249
#note I believe this play to be necessary.
>Stefan_Fatsis: AEHS H12 HAES +44 471
>Joshua_Sokol: EIMNRTU 1K MU +12 261
#note UM/OHM gives me another lane maybe.
>Stefan_Fatsis: MRY N7 M.RY +21 492
>Joshua_Sokol: EINRSTT 15H .TINTERS +77 338
#note I saw neither INS(E)TTER or (B)ITTERNS here (I didn't even know BITTERNS), and I was uncertain of STINTER for some reason, but of course he challenged, and luckily it was good and I saved some spread.
>Joshua_Sokol: (IIILSU) +12 350