Player 1 |
#player1 Charles_Reinke Charles Reinke
#player2 Terry_Kang_Rau Terry Kang Rau
>Charles_Reinke: DIIQRSV H4 VIRID +26 26
#note 2013 Nationals, round 24. I thought I was being crafty setting up my Q, but Q-uackle wants me to just play QI now.
>Terry_Kang_Rau: GILV 5G V.GIL +18 18
>Charles_Reinke: BQRRSTU J2 QUB.T +38 64
>Terry_Kang_Rau: ?EEGINR L1 GREIsEN +77 95
>Charles_Reinke: EFGNRRS I7 FERN +24 88
#note The S is not great on this board. My play helps that situation out, but I'm liking 7G FIRS.
>Terry_Kang_Rau: IKPS 8L SKIP +42 137
>Charles_Reinke: AEFGRSY N6 FA.RY +27 115
#note I considered this and 11E FAERY. I didn't think to do 11I YAG.
>Terry_Kang_Rau: ARTUY 11I YURTA +27 164
>Charles_Reinke: ?AEGMST M10 M.GE +21 136
#note I need a lane. This provides one. The leave of AST? is good, but there are still eight O's in the bag, so I could be fishing again next turn.
>Terry_Kang_Rau: ALOW 1K A.LOW +27 191
>Charles_Reinke: ?ACEIST 14H pACIEST +86 222
#note All of the bingos that score 86 also make the 15H TWS very easy to hit. LACIEST is probably better just because LE* isn't good.
>Terry_Kang_Rau: EHO H12 HO.E +30 221
>Charles_Reinke: AADDENO G7 DONA +21 243
>Terry_Kang_Rau: ILNO F8 LINO +17 238
>Charles_Reinke: ADEHIOU E11 HUE +22 265
#note E10 ADIEU leaves the H to score with next turn. This does set up a D hook that might be useful down the road.
>Terry_Kang_Rau: EM 2N ME +21 259
>Charles_Reinke: ADIIORX D11 OX +42 307
>Terry_Kang_Rau: BEW 10B WEB +28 287
>Charles_Reinke: AADIIRT 14B ARID +18 325
>Terry_Kang_Rau: AP 15A PA +14 301
>Charles_Reinke: AEIJTTZ 13G J.T +22 347
>Terry_Kang_Rau: CEST 3I C.T.S +20 321
>Charles_Reinke: AEEIOTZ 9A ZOA +21 368
#note I wanted to block C-column bingos. There aren't as many as I thought; ANNULOSE and NODULOSE. I only saw NODULOSE. This is too fancy and Quackle hates it. The only play she can have to the Z is LEZ, but outrunning her after that point is not a guarantee if I draw junk out of the bag. O4 ZOA is the play, since it will only lose to a bingo.
>Terry_Kang_Rau: EL A7 LE. +36 357
>Charles_Reinke: EEINNTU B3 ENNUI +9 377
>Terry_Kang_Rau: ADOOS A1 SODA +24 381
>Charles_Reinke: ET C3 ET +15 392
>Charles_Reinke: (O) +2 394