Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Charles_Reinke Charles Reinke
#player2 Maddy_Kamen Maddy Kamen
>Charles_Reinke: ACEEJLU H7 JEU +20 20
#note 2013 Nationals, round 16.
>Maddy_Kamen: AGOTV I4 GAVOT +22 22
>Charles_Reinke: ACEGLSU 4I .ULAG +14 34
#note Did not even take notice of the double-double SCALAGE.
>Maddy_Kamen: BFU K3 F.UB +18 40
>Charles_Reinke: ?CEFIOS L6 OfFICES +84 118
>Maddy_Kamen: DIN 8L .IND +24 64
>Charles_Reinke: KLNORTT 11G KNOTT.R +22 140
>Maddy_Kamen: EERW H11 .EWER +27 91
>Charles_Reinke: DEELPRV 14G R.PLEVED +82 222
>Charles_Reinke: DEELPRV -- -82 140
#note As soon as she challenged, I realized I was thinking of REPLEVY. Dumb.
>Maddy_Kamen: EEIMNOR -EEIMN +0 91
>Charles_Reinke: DEELPRV M1 VER.ED +28 168
>Maddy_Kamen: AU 1M .AU +18 109
>Charles_Reinke: ELLPPQR -LLPQ +0 168
>Maddy_Kamen: EZ 14F ZE. +32 141
>Charles_Reinke: DEELOPR O8 .EPLORED +89 257
>Maddy_Kamen: HX 2L H.X +44 185
>Charles_Reinke: ADIILNO 10I LAI. +16 273
#note Defense is now the most important consideration. I like this play as it blocks -IES or -IER bingos on row 12.
>Maddy_Kamen: AIQ 15L QAI. +24 209
>Charles_Reinke: DINNOOS N12 NOD. +20 293
>Maddy_Kamen: MY N5 MY +37 246
>Charles_Reinke: ?EIINOS I13 OSE +25 318
>Maddy_Kamen: AGILO 12C GOALI. +20 266
>Charles_Reinke: ?IIIMNT C5 lIMITIN. +64 382
>Maddy_Kamen: CNO 8A CO.N +21 287
>Charles_Reinke: AHNPTTY 10B P.THY +27 409
>Maddy_Kamen: EEW 13D WEE +25 312
>Charles_Reinke: AAINRRT 14A RAIN +14 423
#note I saw F4 TRINARY, but didn't realize that it blocks all of her outs!
>Maddy_Kamen: ABSS E5 BASS +19 331
>Maddy_Kamen: (ART) +6 337
Player 2
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