Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Charles_Reinke Charles Reinke
#player2 Darrell_Day Darrell Day
>Charles_Reinke: DEHNWYZ H7 WHY +24 24
#note 2013 Nationals, Round 4. This word's profundity is almost creepy. Should have played the sub-optimal WYND just to stave off the philosophical quandaries that would plague me the rest of the game.
>Darrell_Day: AENO G7 AEON +23 23
>Charles_Reinke: CDENOTZ F9 COZ +28 52
>Darrell_Day: EL 11D LE. +24 47
>Charles_Reinke: DENORTT 12B TROD +17 69
>Darrell_Day: ADEELNR F1 LEARNED +69 116
>Charles_Reinke: AADENTT 2C ANT.DATE +61 130
#note I was dangerously close to playing 5E ANDANTE before I realized I had this.
>Darrell_Day: ?AAIRSV 4D AR.IVAlS +78 194
>Charles_Reinke: EFJMRSS 1H FEM +45 175
#note Chosen overs FEMS to avoid telegraphing the S.
>Darrell_Day: AIOP B10 PA.IO +26 220
>Charles_Reinke: CJRSSTU 1A JUT +32 207
>Darrell_Day: EILU 3J LIEU +15 235
>Charles_Reinke: CEORRSS 15B SCORERS +88 295
>Darrell_Day: INY 3A YIN +18 253
>Charles_Reinke: ABEKLMU A3 .AMULKE +51 346
#note Phony. Valid spellings are YARMULKE and YAMULKA.
>Darrell_Day: IIW H12 IWI. +8 261
#note Darrell is getting slammed with I's, meanwhile I haven't drawn one yet.
>Charles_Reinke: ABEEFGU 14E EF +28 374
#note Eschewed 14F BEIGE since it opened up a very easy S hook.
>Darrell_Day: OTT I12 TOT +14 275
>Charles_Reinke: ABEGIUV C7 VIBE +20 394
>Darrell_Day: IP E4 .IP +18 293
>Charles_Reinke: ?ABGIQU M2 Q.AG +14 408
#note J10 QIS might be worth it now.
>Darrell_Day: DEGGNOR 6A .N +4 297
#note Darrell told me after the game that he was fishing for K2 DISGORGES.
>Charles_Reinke: ?BHIOSU 6J BlUSH +38 446
#note N1 BISHOP would have been cool. I also sorta wish BUSHIDO fit somewhere, but rule #1 of Scrabble is that when you win the game, refrain from complaining about homeless bingos.
>Darrell_Day: DEGGORX K6 .OGGER +14 311
>Charles_Reinke: INO 10J N. +4 450
#note J10 NO is better. I failed to see IRON.
>Darrell_Day: DX I4 .X +9 320
#note Didn't write down the play here, but it was an X-dump for 9 points.
>Charles_Reinke: IO N1 OI +26 476
>Charles_Reinke: (D) +4 480
Player 2
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