Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Greg_Heidler Greg Heidler
#player2 Thomas_Reinke Thomas Reinke
>Greg_Heidler: EGILNOP 8F ELOPING +74 74
>Thomas_Reinke: EHIJNOT K5 JOH.NIE +68 68
#note Very lucky to have this response.
>Greg_Heidler: INX 9F NIX +25 99
#note Overscored by 2. I guess I need to recount my opponent's plays.
>Thomas_Reinke: AEEFOST 12H FEAST +42 110
>Greg_Heidler: BGO 10G BOG +21 120
>Thomas_Reinke: ADEGORS 13D DOGEARS +71 181
>Greg_Heidler: AM 7K .AM +14 134
>Thomas_Reinke: ADEOSTZ H12 ..ZE +48 229
>Greg_Heidler: AEILMNR N1 MARLINE +81 215
>Thomas_Reinke: ADORSTV F5 DOV.. +11 240
#note Not many things to do if I want to get rid of the V. 1H TSARDOM or STARDOM keep the V and allow huge potential responses.
>Greg_Heidler: EKU 14J KUE +34 249
#note 14H ZEK is 46
>Thomas_Reinke: AEOQRST E4 QAT +32 272
>Greg_Heidler: UW D11 WU. +14 263
>Thomas_Reinke: EEORSWY O7 SEWERY +58 330
#note I thought this was good for sure. It's not. O1 YE or 1K WORMY seem fine.
>Greg_Heidler: ?CDEILS 15B DECLIn.S +63 326
#note 1H DECLAIMS for 158.
>Thomas_Reinke: FIOPTUV 15K PFUI +26 356
#note Is 15L or 1L more dangerous? I guess 1L, so TUMP is the play.
>Greg_Heidler: OR O1 OR +20 346
>Thomas_Reinke: AACHOTV L2 CHAO +27 383
#note 3J CAVORT dumps the V while keep the H for N10 stuff.
>Greg_Heidler: NY 11D .YN +18 364
>Thomas_Reinke: AADNRTV 14A VAR +20 403
#note This blocks the last good lane.
>Greg_Heidler: IIL 5B ILI.. +6 370
>Thomas_Reinke: ADNOTTU C3 AU.D +10 413
#note This seemed very good over the board, giving up only RABIETIC and BREATHERS, but I forgot about the C and F hooks, which then adds CATTIER, CITRATE, and FATTIER. C3 DALTON only gives back the first 2.
>Greg_Heidler: ?ABEEIR 2E hEBRAEI. +65 435
>Greg_Heidler: ?ABEEIR -- -65 370
#note He went way over looking for a bingo, eventually settling on this attempt. He can win without a bingo by playing N10 BEAR, which ends up winning by 1.
>Thomas_Reinke: NOTTTT 6J T. +4 417
>Greg_Heidler: ?ABEEIR 3L .E.B +23 393
>Thomas_Reinke: NOTTT B1 TOT +8 425
>Greg_Heidler: ?AEIR 1A A.tIRE +18 411
#note He lost 70 on time and another point was lost somewhere. Final score 425-346.
>Greg_Heidler: (NT) +4 415
Player 2
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