Player 1 |
#player1 Kenji Kenji
#player2 Noah Noah
>Kenji: CGLLOTX 8G CLOG +14 14
#note Kenji gave me his racks for this game.
>Noah: CDEFLMR I6 FL.C +13 13
>Kenji: EILLNTX -LXL +0 14
>Noah: DDEMRRR -DMRR +0 13
#note Thought about keeping DEMR and ER as well. This exchange sims best.
>Kenji: EEEIKNT 6F KEE. +21 35
>Noah: ADDEOOR -ADOO +0 13
>Kenji: BEINOTT -BOT +0 35
>Noah: DEERSTT G5 T.R.E +9 22
#note Wrong. I can keep exchanging. Exchange T or exchange D are great here and I wish I'd thought of them.
>Kenji: AEINPTX 10D NEXT +35 70
>Noah: DEISSTU 11E TISSUED +104 126
>Kenji: ABFIPRR 10J BARF +28 98
>Noah: DEHMOOO H11 .HOED +39 165
>Kenji: IINPQRS 9C QI +23 121
>Noah: AEMOOVW L5 AVOWE. +16 181
#note I considered this and WOO G13. I chose this to make the board more scoring-friendly, keep a better leave and block off the S hooks. WOO scores more, keeps a worse leave, and blocks the OED lanes. This play is difficult. WOO has the short term advantage of making Kenji much less likely to bingo next turn. AVOWER has a long term advantage in closing S hooks, which are harder to close on this board than the OED lanes. The latter could be closed anytime. However, AVOWER also allows for openings to the top of the board. I don't know. It seems like I overvalued the usefulness of closing down S hooks here. After AVOWER a few lanes are going to stay open for quite some time, while WOO only leaves the S lanes and the R. Maybe if we trade a bunch of small plays AVOWER eventually leads to a closed board more than WOO because of the difficult to block S hooks, but Kenji just gets so many bingo chances before that that AVOWER doesn't seem worth it.
>Kenji: INNPRRS J2 PIRNS +29 150
>Noah: AIILMOV 13G M.VIOLA +38 219
>Kenji: ADEMNRT 8L .ARM +27 177
>Noah: ?EGHIIP 8D PI +15 234
#note Yeah, I should've at least just played HI. I way overvalued the GH versus GP combination, and EGHI? is hardly better than EGPI?. And I really should've just played HI(E). It's scary to block lanes here because he could bingo on me but I just have to do it. I have to start blocking the board. Play HIE.
>Kenji: DEIJNOT N2 JOINDE. +38 215
>Noah: ?BEGHIY 14F BY. +21 255
#note This rack is weird. What are you supposed to do here? Should I still be blocking lanes? Should I play GHI M3 (which I didn't see)? Should I lay BIGEYE 14C (also missed)? What about GLEY/GLIB? I really just have no idea what to do here.
>Kenji: ADNOOTT O1 TONDO +42 257
#note Kenji: I'm not sure what my last tile is. It's either an A or E, I'm pretty sure...
>Noah: ?EGHIOR 14K HOER +23 278
#note No words.
>Kenji: AAESTUZ O12 ZEST +77 334
>Noah: ?AGIRTY 15A TRIGlY +40 318
#note I think I need to make a play like this and get lucky to win.
>Kenji: AAAGNUW L12 A..W +22 356
#note Kenji: This play was terrible and was the factor of a couple of things. The most important thing is that I had there being 4 in the bag, and there were only 3 when I counted, so I retracked the entire board, then came up completely confused and assumed I somehow mis re-tracked, and when this happened I start to completely lose my mind. The second was that I was somewhat short after this point, and tried to count tiles and once I stopped I had about 2:30 left on my clock. Anyway, this is a ridiculously bad play, and why I don't play preendgames or endgames on a short clock: I am very bad at them. Luckily for me if I had time to think about it I would've probably lost this game by more, as I think the best play is GAUNT.
>Noah: ?AAELNU 3E AcAUL.NE +59 377
#note The main reason I did as well as I did in this tournament is because of ridiculous game after ridiculous game like this.
>Kenji: AAEGINU B10 GAINE. +22 378
#note The I was on the floor.
>Noah: IU 15H .UI +4 381
>Noah: (AU) +4 385