Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Richard Richard
#player2 Reid Reid
>Richard: EHLOT 8D HOTEL +24 24
>Reid: AABFOWZ E4 WAZO. +34 34
#note WAZOO (44.20%) is #2. FAB (44.46%) at 7G and FATWA (43.87%) at F6 are #1 and #3 respectively. I disagree w/ Quackle. I like my play best.
>Richard: ELNNRTU 5A UNLE.RNT +58 82
#note TUNNELER at G2 and G4 are better here.
>Reid: ABEQRTU A4 Q.ATE +72 106
#note QUATE (48.59%) is #5. BARQUE (54.59%) at A1 is #1. The amazing BANQUETER (52.30%) at G3 is #2, and QUARTE (49.81%) is #3 at A4. I like the #1 play, but I'd rather keep my R than get an extra 3 points for #3. A missed bingo, but a tough one.
>Richard: IMX B3 MI.X +65 147
#note Nice rejoinder.
>Reid: BDEFIOU H1 BEFI. +33 139
#note BEFIT (31.89%) is #2. DOUBT (34.6%) is #1, and FOU (31.56%) at 9G is #3. I agree with Quackle here. The leave for DOUBT is better than my play.
>Richard: AP F5 .AP. +25 172
#note Nice play.
>Reid: ADENOSU 3A E.U +25 164
#note EMU (47.17%) is #2. I missed the beautiful #1 ADEQUATE (56.71%) at A1. OW (42.99%) is #3.
>Richard: DIOTV 9G DIVOT +22 194
>Reid: ADLNORS B8 LADRONS +76 240
#note LADRONS (64.9%) is #3. LADRONS (66.99%) and LARDONS (66.37%) at L3 are the top 2. I agree with Quackle. My play opens up A12 to Richard.
>Richard: DEIT A12 DIET +30 224
>Reid: EFGIOSV 10J FIVE +33 273
#note #1 play.
>Richard: EKOY D8 .OKEY +30 254
>Reid: ACGLORS K5 ARGO..C +40 313
#note ARGOTIC (80.68%) is #2. COEQUATE (88.06%) at A1 shows that I need to pay more attention to the hot spots on the board. ORGASTIC (79.95%) is #3 at K5. I agree with Quackle here. Using the S for ORGASTIC is not worth 4 more points.
>Richard: HNO E11 HON +27 281
>Reid: ELNNRSU N4 RUNNELS +74 387
#note #1 play.
>Richard: AAB -AAB +0 281
#note Letters exchanged are unknown.
>Reid: ?AIIMTU O8 MI +26 413
#note MI (99.85%) is #3. AMI (99.91%) at O7 is #2 and MAIEUTIC (99.99%) at 2E is #1. I agree with Quackle here, there are plenty of A out to justify play AMI.
>Richard: BIJ L3 JIB +28 309
>Reid: ?AEITUY 1G U.IETY +15 428
#note Sigh! This is depressing now. BEAUTIFY (100.00%) at 1H is #1. UBIETY is #11 based on valuations from all choices. I was attempting to block the triple lane.
>Richard: ?CEPRSS 14E SPRuCES +75 384
#note Strangely, 5-min champ player rates this #5. It likes SAROS for #1 even though it scores less. Quackle gives no chance of winning in any moves though.
>Reid: ?AEGGRW H12 WA.R +30 458
#note WAUR is #3 based on valuations since all plays have the same win percentage. SAGO and DAGO at 9A are #1 and ADEQUATE at A1 is #2.
>Richard: AAADIO M2 DO +24 408
#note Richard doesn't see ADEQUATE either.
>Reid: ?EGG 13J yEGG +13 471
#note YEGG is #6 based on valuations since all plays have the same probability of winning.
>Reid: (AAAI) +8 479
#note 3 missed bingos. 11/12 plays in the top 10. 10/12 plays in the top 5. Only 1 #1 play because I was not very thorough. Overall, I give myself a D for this game. Before analyzing it was I whining to myself that I didn't have a chance to utilized my blank but I missed 2 bingos with it. I was lucky that Richard didn't get his blank sooner.
Player 2
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