Player 1 |
#player1 Guzman_de_Guzman Guzman de Guzman
#player2 JD JD
>Guzman_de_Guzman: EEGMRY 8H EMERY +28 28
#note I was being sulky after screwing up against joel. sorry ed.
>Guzman_de_Guzman: DFNO J10 FOND +33 61
>JD: BEHJOTV L1 BOTH +34 132
>Guzman_de_Guzman: CERZ 2J CR.ZE +44 105
#note intriguing, the J is such a hindrance on this wide open board that quackle likes JEED at 13G opening another triple because I bingo 55% next turn off of my ELRV leave! not sure if that move would occur to me over the board, but I guess it dos make sense.
>Guzman_de_Guzman: AAGIO 13I A.AGIO +18 123
>JD: CEEJLTU 14F JUTE +29 190
>Guzman_de_Guzman: BENRW N10 BEW.RN +34 157
>Guzman_de_Guzman: BENRW -- -34 123
>JD: ACELVWY 6F WAVEY. +31 221
#note ed actually didn't know this word, very close to a challenge
>Guzman_de_Guzman: BERW 7D BREW +27 150
>JD: ACFILRX 3L .AL. +32 253
#note trying to get too cute, should just take the points and move on with the nice ACLR leave. what am I planning on doing with CFIRX on my rack? two blanks unseen, game's not over yet
>Guzman_de_Guzman: EGNO 8A GONE +23 173
>JD: CFIORSX B7 C.IF +17 270
#note more weirdness, why not just play XI for the 110 point lead? coif just makes me much less responsive if he does somehow bingo.
>Guzman_de_Guzman: HOQTU N11 QU.TH +34 207
#note should absolutely tack on the S for ROSINS with two blanks and another S unseen, definite mistake
>Guzman_de_Guzman: IOPT 15E TOPI +37 244
>JD: ALNOOSX 5D LOON +20 322
#note why not just play axon here?
>Guzman_de_Guzman: ART 15L TA.R +24 268
>JD: ?AEIKSX 9H XI +24 346
>Guzman_de_Guzman: DDDIISU J2 .UD +13 281
>JD: ?AAEEKS 1G KAES +31 377
>Guzman_de_Guzman: ?DDILNS 11B SLIDDeN +76 357
>JD: ?AAEGIN 2B ANErGIA +80 457
#note well, I played really stupidly for most of the middle of that game, but I guess it doesn't matter. most likely wound up costing myself a lot of spread though.
>JD: (II) +4 461