Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matthew_Tunnicliffe Matthew Tunnicliffe
#player2 Jesse_Day Jesse Day
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AAHOPVW 8F AVOW +20 20
#note MT: Jesse has 3:03 left to start this game. I wasn't sure whether to try and fast-play him or not.
>Jesse_Day: EIJLNTZ F6 JE.N +27 27
#note JD: this is the game where I showed up with 3 minutes on my clock after standing around outside for half an hour looking for a taxi... after the game I reconstructed what I thought were my racks, not sure they are all right. 3:03 to start
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AADEHOP E9 OPAH +20 40
>Jesse_Day: AIILTXZ D11 ZAX +59 86
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ADEEEIS C12 DEE +33 73
>Jesse_Day: IIILRTY 15A LIRI +20 106
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEEIIKS I6 KI.I +13 86
#note MT: Fast-playing costs me here... ZAIKAI is a big improvement.
>Jesse_Day: HIILTUY 14B H. +20 126
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEEIRSU 6F .AU. +15 101
>Jesse_Day: GIILTUY D4 GUILTY +28 154
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEEERRS 8F ....ER +12 113
>Jesse_Day: ACINNOO E2 COON +19 173
#note JD: I was doing a good job of getting plays down instantly, so I probably had about 2 minutes left at this point.
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEERRST L2 RETEARS +80 193
#note MT: Threw this down and didn't stop to look for the 2x2 for two more pts.
>Jesse_Day: AGINNST 3G ANTIG.NS +72 245
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?ALMORT 10I sTROMAL +73 266
>Jesse_Day: BEFQRVW J2 Q. +31 276
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEFLMSU K5 FLA.E.S +54 320
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEFLMSU -- -54 266
#note MT: This is an easy turn if I know FULLAM. But the word is out of my range. Tsk
>Jesse_Day: BEFRVW 8A WEF. +30 306
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEFLMSU O8 FU.L +21 287
>Jesse_Day: BEIPRTV C3 VERB +29 335
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEIMOSY H1 MO.Y +39 326
>Jesse_Day: ACEEIPT N2 A.PIC +30 365
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ADEINST 12I DETAINS +77 403
>Jesse_Day: ?DEEIOT G8 .IDEOTEx +71 436
#note JD: ...30 seconds on my clock...miracle
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: BDGNOSU 13J NOBS +24 427
>Jesse_Day: E M9 E. +5 441
#note MT: Jesse had a full 30 seconds to find the best spot for this tile. How the hell did he play so fast?
>Jesse_Day: (DGU) +10 451
#note MT: Not much to say about this game. I should have focused on playing my game rather than playing the clock. A well-deserved loss.
Player 2
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