Player 1 |
#player1 Matthew_Tunnicliffe Matthew Tunnicliffe
#player2 Jan_Cardia Jan Cardia
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AADEITT 8G AIT +6 6
>Jan_Cardia: VV G7 V.V +17 17
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ADEHRTU 7I UH +9 15
>Jan_Cardia: AJT 6I TAJ +22 39
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ADEERTX K4 RA. +20 35
>Jan_Cardia: IIIIUUU -UUUIIII +0 39
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: CDEEFTX L1 FEDEX +53 88
>Jan_Cardia: AEOZ 2J ZO.AE +68 107
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: CINSTWY 10D WYNS +22 110
#note I really wanted to do N1 YEW, but couldnt believe that was actually the play. It's Quackle's fave over this by a good 4 points, though!
>Jan_Cardia: OOP 11C POO +25 132
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: CEGIINT 12B CIG +30 140
#note IGNITE in the same spot is definitely better
>Jan_Cardia: IIUU -IIUU +0 132
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEIILNT 1N AI +8 148
#note Everything sucks, but apparently I should do 3L DIT.
>Jan_Cardia: DEMRU M4 DEMUR +23 155
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EHIILNT B12 .HI +16 164
>Jan_Cardia: EILNOT 15A ENTOIL +30 185
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: DEILNOT 14E LENTOID +68 232
>Jan_Cardia: ?AEIIMR 3D vIREMIA +71 256
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: BCGINOO H1 CO.BO +42 274
>Jan_Cardia: ETY H12 YE.T +33 289
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AGGINNW L8 AWNING +25 299
#note I felt compelled to at least weaken the scoring spot to the triple, but I'm not weakening it much. The sim prefers F2 WRANG.
>Jan_Cardia: QS 11K Q.S +24 313
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: BDGKSTU 8K B..KS +33 332
#note N5 DUSK or DUST don't work well after the S inference. Though the S is not assured after QIS, it seems likely.
>Jan_Cardia: ELORRS 15J SORREL +26 339
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?DGRTUU 13A R.Us +29 361
#note I guess I blew this one. I though my just chance was to outrun her, but my best chance is to just draw outs in two spots. and catch her with the F or P. F2 DRUG sims best, and it would have won. Damn...
>Jan_Cardia: AAEEFNP 13J PA.AN +25 364
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: DEGLTU E1 GU.LED +16 377
>Jan_Cardia: EEF D5 FEE +14 378
>Jan_Cardia: (T) +2 380
#note The small mistakes seem huge in a 3-point loss. But I'm pretty disappointed in my failure to solve the pre-endgame, especially since the winning tiles were in the bag. Tough one to lose when it's so clearly my own fault.