Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Reid Reid
#player2 Ian Ian
>Reid: AEEIORX H6 AXE +20 20
#note AXE is #8 (48.50%). AXE (49.33%) at 8H is #5. I had considered IXORA but didn't want to leave myself with no consonants. Quackle believes this to be a needless fear and that tile turnover should outweigh any balancing concerns. IXORA anyplace is #1-4.
>Ian: NQRT 6F TR.NQ +36 36
>Reid: ABEIORR 5D BRIO +16 36
#note #1 play.
>Ian: OVW 8E WOV. +10 46
>Reid: ACEEFLR 9C CLEF +22 58
#note CLEF (49.54%) is #7. FLEA (52.32%) at 4A, EF (51.63%) at 9E, and FRAE (50.51%) at 4B are 1-3.
EF gives a strong leave, FLEA scores well but gives triple. FRAE is a nice balance between the two. FOREVER (#5, 49.6%) is a beautiful play.
>Ian: BOU D3 BU.O +16 62
>Reid: AAAEHPR C2 AA +12 70
#note AA (47.81%) is #6. ABA (#2, 48.90%) achieves the same goal albeit with 2 fewer points, but is much safer. ARCHAEA (50.90%) and PACHA (48.62%) at C7 are #1 and #3 respectively. I agree with Quackle here. Tile turnover and scoring would help to create some momentum.
>Ian: ?AAGIIL 1B AbIGAIL +76 138
>Reid: AEGHPRW B3 WHAP +26 96
#note WHAP (18.18%) is #7. GAWPER (21.08%) at 4G, WHA (20.56%) at 2A, and GAWP (19.69%) at B3 are #1-3. GAWPER (18.19%) at B3 is #6. I like WHA best.
>Ian: AESTZ K2 ZETAS +43 181
#note Ian just keeps up the momentum from his last play.
>Reid: EEEGRTY 3K .YE +12 108
#note EYE (7.13%) is #9. GEY (8.82%) at 4G, TYEE (8.62%) at 10F, and GETTER (8.03%) at 4H are the top 3. I was trying to create more bingo hooks here. EYE creates an R hook, and I kept my T for the hook to OF. GEY doesn't create any more space although it has a good leave. GETTER scores well, but the leave is not very good. TYEE is a nice balance between the three goals.
>Ian: EEGO A6 OGEE +19 200
>Reid: EEGNORT 4I RO.E +18 126
#note ZONER (10.63%) and ZONE (9.77%) at 2K are #1 and #3 respectively. GOTTEN (10.41%) at 4H is #3. Not taking advantage of the Z here is a big mistake. My play is #24 based on valuations from all plays.
>Ian: CLRSU N1 CURLS +21 221
#note Must be nice to have all these esses.
>Reid: EEGMNNT 2M M.N +9 135
#note CEMENT (4.21%) at C9, WEN (3.77%) at E8, and MEZE (3.55%) at 2I compose the top 3. CEMENT creates tile turnover but uses both my E. WEN is just desperate. MEZE scores well but has a horrible leave and opens nothing. I still wanted to keep my T for the OFT hook. My play is a weak attempt to block the triple. My play is #22 based on valuations from all choices. This is probably the worst of my plays this game.
>Ian: DENY 9H DYNE +24 245
#note Ian takes out 2 bingo lanes.
>Reid: AEEGINT J8 A.TIGENE +63 198
#note #1 play. A weak bingo, but hopefully I can pull the last blank.
>Ian: ?EFIINS 15D FINErI.S +92 337
#note Ian has the last blank and an ess. This ends the game.
>Reid: DDEMNRS E8 ..ND +16 214
#note MENDED (0.67%) at 13I, MIND (0.63%) at 11I, and ADDERS (0.53%) at 8J are 1-3. I played WEND to balance, keep my E, and to avoid blocking any bingo lanes. WEND is #3 based on valuations from all choices. In hindsight, WEND would end up blocking my MORTISED bingo for turn 12.
>Ian: ILOTUV 13D OUTLIV. +15 352
#note Ian is just closing up the board.
>Reid: DEJMORS D12 J. +18 232
#note JO is #6 (0.00%). I'm hoping to draw an I for MISDOER. DOM (0.67%) and MOD (0.42%) at 12B are 1,2. DORM (0.07%) is #3. While the top 3 plays score well, I really don't want to keep the J in my rack.
>Ian: ADI O4 AID +10 362
#note Ian blocks off the triple bingo lane first.
>Reid: DEMORST 1L DE.O +38 270
#note I considered gambling with DYNET/STORMED, but was pretty sure DYNET was invalid. DOR at K11, ED at 8A, and AD at F1 are the top 3 listed by Quackle 5-min championship player. I gave up on the bingo and went for points. DECO is #15 and the highest scoring.
>Ian: IKT 11G TIK. +8 370
#note Ian shuts off another lane. Not sure why he is worried about an S hook.
>Reid: HMRST 4F HM +18 288
#note #1 play.
>Ian: OPRU 12J .ROUP +16 386
>Ian: (RST) +6 392
#note No missed bingos this game. 9 of 13 plays are in the top 10, but only 3 in the top 5. Overall I give myself a B this game. I don't think this game was winnable. Ian's early momentum allowed him to control the board.
Player 2
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