Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jim_Kramer Jim Kramer
#player2 Steve_Hartsman Steve Hartsman
>Jim_Kramer: ABEEOR 8H AEROBE +22 22
#note NAST Final, Game 3, Twin Cities, June 08.
>Steve_Hartsman: HHIMOQS 9G OHM +24 24
>Jim_Kramer: AEG 7H AGE +22 44
>Steve_Hartsman: CHILQSU M3 QUICH. +48 72
>Jim_Kramer: EJTU 10D JUTE +15 59
>Steve_Hartsman: CILNOSY 11C YON +25 97
#note Missed E8 COUSINLY
>Jim_Kramer: ILNO N1 LOIN +21 80
#note Blocked LOGISTIC
>Steve_Hartsman: CGILOST 12A CLOG +47 144
>Jim_Kramer: IKT 1L KI.T +39 119
#note Jim spent a great deal of time on this play, telling me later he had a blank. His clock was down to 8 minutes after this, and he was in time trouble the rest of the way. He didn't miss a bingo...
>Steve_Hartsman: IISTTXZ 5J ZIT. +26 170
#note 9K XIS for 46
>Jim_Kramer: AIO A12 .IAO +18 137
>Steve_Hartsman: DISTTVX B14 XI +38 208
>Jim_Kramer: AADE L8 .AAED +16 153
>Steve_Hartsman: DFRSTTV 11J FR.T +14 222
#note Mistake. TREF in same spot prevents hook, and 9K FAST for 35
>Jim_Kramer: ?AEIMSV N9 MASsIVE +84 237
#note Had I played TREF, he had MAVIsES at G1, but for fewer points
>Steve_Hartsman: AADSTVY O6 DAVY +40 262
>Jim_Kramer: DEG 15L GE.D +24 261
>Steve_Hartsman: AELNPST G1 PLATENS +67 329
>Jim_Kramer: ADERSTW 2B WARST.ED +78 339
>Steve_Hartsman: BEFNOPU 1A NOPE +33 362
>Jim_Kramer: ORW 1G .ROW +36 375
#note Jim overdrew, and it cost him an S, which I picked up on the next turn...
>Steve_Hartsman: BFILRSU 5B FUBSI.R +24 386
#note Spent over 5 minutes on this play. With the unseen pool, only possible bingo in row 13 is sUNNIER. Lots of potential bingos in row 4 or 5, and possibly column C. Q likes my play or 5A SUBFILE for the same score, but it opens the triple. I'm hoping to draw a vowel as the last tile, to give some flexibility...
>Jim_Kramer: ?EEINRU 13C UsER +29 404
>Steve_Hartsman: LN 13M N.L +6 392
#note ...unfortunately, I draw a consonant, and have no winning options. This close loss, coupled with a final round loss, cost me a shot at cashing in the lucrative NAST. Jim went on to win the NAST booty...
>Steve_Hartsman: (EIN) +6 398
Player 2
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